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  • Lol guys stop with the beta pls. If i slap a pair of wings on my back and start calling myself a pigeon, does that make me a bird? Everyone can play NW, the real money shop is running, there will be no more wipes. The game is live. Cryptic can say whatever they want, but this game is not in beta.
  • Comon dude, even the most basic bosses from vanilla wow were a lot more entertaining and complex then anything in NW. Some of them were the boring spank&tank type - thats true, but many of them were not. General Drakkiisath, Eranikus, Baron, Immol'thar, Godfrey, Thermaplugg, Princess Theradras - all totally different from…
  • EQ fanboy here too, but i actually realize that WoW improved every single aspect of EQ and added some more.
  • Game is fun, but lets get real here. GW2, Tera, even SWTOR are all better, not to mention WoW. NW and WoW arent even in the same dimension when it comes to quality.
  • Leveling is great, i got to 60 like 5 days ago. Im a pvp player (but i like pve too) so first thing i did after dinging 60 was getting my pvp set. It took me 2 days. Unfortunately, i realized that there is no chance for EU server and thers no point in playing competitive pvp with 150-250 ping, unless youre some kind of…
  • Kensai like in bg2 would be nice.
  • Ive got bad news for you, i saw an admin in other thread who said that servers are working fine and there are no plans to fix/add new servers. So it sucks to be you.. and me... and everyone else outside of US.
    in High Ping Comment by maxpoweryo May 2013
  • When healing boss fights on my cleric i play this on repeat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg Its a lot more fun that way.
  • CW and TR destroying everything in pvp? Lets nerf Clerics. That guy suggesting a DAILY cleanse is a genious LOL.
  • Yea i agree, something has to be done about this. Taregting a low health ally who is in the middle of 3 players, 5 companions and 20 adds is close to impossible. Its just mindblowing how a system like that could make it through the closed beta.
  • Thanks. I was hoping for something more advanced but this will have to do i guess.
  • 50 ms from EU to US? Hahahahaaaaa you have no idea what youre talking about. You probably checked your fps or something.
  • Some ppl in this thread are really clueless/liars. Thers NO WAY you can get stable sub 100 ping from EU to US. Its physically not possble. Blaming that on internet providers is ridiculous. When i play on EU servers i get 50 ping max. Here it jumps between 140-200. Sure you can play pve like that (its still really annoying)…
  • You are right, perma cc from wizards is totally broken. Anyone with some experience in pvp and a bit of common sense understands that. Its actually really funny that some ppl try to defend it. From what ive seen most of the community realizes that its broken. Hopefully Cryptic will fix it soon.
  • Raelaryn Xorlarrin Jearth Xorlarrin Kiriy Xorlarrin Hoshtar Xorlarrin Zeerith Q'Xorlarrin
  • I have a similar question, but im looking for an unofficial european server. I dont want to join that french server you mentioned, i would like to find one where english-speaking eu population plays. Does anyting like that exist?
  • Yea, the background of launcher is all white.