I voted for solo content, because I like exploring things on my own. More repeatable quest grinding is not what I want though. If we do that again, the quests had better have a big variety to them, and be a lot more worthwhile than the current dailies in Dread Ring. That said, if we could get some actual decent rewards…
Here's a trick I learned back in Windows 3.1: You can cycle through the buttons and clickables on the screen by pressing tab. In this case, click the character field, and press tab to move the cursor down as far as you need it. Scrolling this way, you can force the screen to scroll farther than the window normally allows…
I am thankful. Thanks, Cryptic! I'd like to know, though, whether we should expect the items to become bound to character at some point. That Courtesan's Wear, especially, since it's not standard to be able to transfer clothing between characters after it's been worn. I would be less thankful if that were to happen.
The Courtesan's Bottoms replaces the foot-wraps with small shoes on females, I'm pretty sure. I can check. The peasant outfit comes with its own pair of shoes too, so you shouldn't be able to see your cloth-strip socks while wearing it. You can never be bare-footed, though.
I voted for Silverymoon, but I'd like to go to Calimshan at some point. It would be cool to fight an army out on a vast open desert or chase assassins through twisting alleys formed by clay buildings.
I like quoting those to friends sometimes. I wouldn't agree that the voice is well done, though. Maybe my headphones are broken or something, but there are several lines that I can't quite understand. It's like the sound quality is extra-low for some reason. Maybe someone knows what's up?
I just had a look. I had to delete all but one of my characters to access character creation (Why?). I kind of like the new hairstyles and that they can have two colors in them, although not quite streaks (Give me streaks, Cryptic!). The eyes, though! The men's eyes are tiny, and I mean disproportionately small, and they…
Chainmail bikinis! No, not really. I voted for simple armor. My favorite look for the CW is the male starting vest. It's one of the few pieces that mesh well with the default shirt and pants, and everything else is either too complicated, clips with your hair or face, or asymmetrical in an ugly way (uh, a shirt-robe with a…
Call Lightning has an 8 second cooldown, but the stun can only activate once every 30 seconds, so about two out of three times it will not stun. Something like that.
I ran through this one with a team this evening. We got through it in what felt like two minutes, so I guess that's good for dailies while the average time lasts. We had an impatient young man in the party who forced us out before we could write a review, however. Sorry for that. I really liked the fair and the interior…
In my experience, experimentation seems to work just a little under 50% of the time. You have to pay attention if you're doing it from the gateway though, because when you collect the results, the window doesn't display the Basic Alchemical Knowledge or the recipe sheets. You still get them, as you can see your knowledge…
I spent all weekend getting enough Medallions of Battle to buy skins for three guys, a peg leg, and have a whole bunch left over for future CTAs, and still haven't got a Swashbuckler. My guild leader got one on his second run.
Respect, Grimah! I've been looking at this build with some interest, but I just noticed that your power allocation on nwcalc.com seems to be broken. Can we get an update on that?
I'm looking into making a character with a build like this one, but looking at your post, it seems your power choices and feats are all at the nwcalc.com link, but with that site being updated recently your allocations on the calculator aren't right anymore. You have zero points in Orb of Imposition and Eye of the Storm,…