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  • I did not get my free respec on my one character. My Xbox name is oOLucidchaosOo . Please fix it, I am tired of the golden arrow at the top right of my screen. Thx!
  • I never even got an email in-game. The auction just vanished along with my bid. Then today I was dropped out of a dungeon twice, two completely different groups. Thus I have not done the daily. They steal our ad and then won't even let us earn them back. After this dungeon dropping <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, I am…
  • Still no auction house fixes for all the lost AD. Pretty lame and going to cost YOU money in the long run.
  • LMAO! I lost ad on sunday and still waiting to hear anything. I reported to a GM, as a bug, and posted here. No response from anyone on this. Apparently they do not care.
  • Still no email in-game or outside of game. You would think Cryptic would be concerned about a bug that is going to cost them money, yet there response to this bug is horrendous.
  • Bumped in hopes someone will take notice.
  • Bottom line is they are only <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> themselves in the end because the more people who figure this out, the less people will spend to buy Zen. I still have not received any in- game email or outside of the game email regarding this issue. I have complained to a GM, reported it as a bug and…
  • Yep, I made a post about this happening to me today but apparently losing 20k in astral diamonds was not enough to get it noticed. I converted Zen to Ad to buy a mount. When I checked on it later, the auction was gone and I never received my ad back in email or as rough diamonds. It is just gone and that bs when you lose…
  • No, it did not comeback in mail or as unrefined. You cannot just dismiss real money spent. That is illegal and fraud. I did report it to a GM this morning when it happened, no response from them so far. That was nearly all the astral diamonds I had. If this is the type of service I can expect, there is absolutely no reason…
  • Sounds good, I am sure you can keep those servers full too since there are only 3 of them. Lmao! Paying money before a game is even released does not mean you are going to be the only one who buys <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. It only means you have more money than brains.
  • Yep, went from 6k queue position to 187k position to 5500to 185k all within the course of a couple of minutes. That explains everything. Someone obviously does not know how to count. Oh,btw, cueing people won't make them buy founders packs. It will make them reluctant to buy anything ever though.
  • white screen, that basically means it won't patch at all. You broke the patcher. I will try downloading it again maybe someday I will get to play. If it does not work after re-downloading, I am done. Already mad that I downloaded this game 10 days ago and now,on launch day cannot play.
  • There are actually more than eleven dales. They are Archendale,Mistledale,Deepingdale,Battledale,Sessrendale,Moondale,High Dale,Teshendale,Tarkhaldale,Shadowdale,Harrowdale,Daggerdale,Featherdale,Scardale,Tasseldale. A total of fifteen. However the module that came out only had 14 and they were Archendale, Battledale,…