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What is the Arc Client?
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  • The problem is simple: You dont stand a chance vs a ranged class as a meele. Every time you want to hit a ranged player you need to stay at the ground and do your attacks. The ranged class can simply outrun you and kite you to death, because you cant walk and attack. Itried to kill a tank in pvp, he got only a littl life…
  • I think monk and paladin will be the last implemented classes because they are simply strong. If you take the strenghtes of the classes away they are simple stupid gruntz. All the GREAT passive effects monks and palas get will be to much for that kind of game or evene useless. A Monk who moves 10 times faster then every…
  • At first i want to say that i like the idea behind the game and the current setup. I'm looking forward to play NWo but.... Is it D&D? No it's not, its a computer game and will never be D&D because nnone want to spend millions of money and manhours to create D&D for PC just to see it wont work because ppl dont like min/max…