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I feel like a punchingbag against Wizards, I feel utterly useless [Rogue]



  • xykromaxxykromax Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    senseijohn wrote: »
    For those who are for or against TR's being top bill in PVP... you're wrong. Sorta.

    Here's the deal with TR's. They are at the top of the food chain in ONE ON ONE combat. They have no AoE's to speak of and few stuns. They are good at one thing. Beating down one person - preferable from stealth or behind. In that, they excel and are (rightly so) at the top of their chain.

    As someone pointed out, PVP is not ONE ON ONE. Consequently, TR's must be EXTREMELY selective about what fights they choose and how they choose them. If you even go on 2 on 1, you will most likely get creamed... especially 2 casters. It's basically like fighting two end bosses at the same time... only with MUCH better AI.

    In addition, you need to be properly spec'ed JUST for PVP in order to do your best at it. The techniques that make TR's great dps (stealth, dummy, etc.) don't work the same (if at all) in PVP because players are much better and much more unpredictable than the game's AI mobs.

    You sir are just one of the fews that finally get the big picture and think further then most people.

    Id be glad to give in some dmg of TR's for some CC and really be usefull !!!
    Lost my Proud in Owning - The Hero of the North Pack & The Guardian of Neverwinter Pack
  • prolagaprolaga Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you feel TR is underpowered and that you are a punchbag in BG, you really should learn to play.
    TR is the most OP class in the game at the moment......
  • feyllfeyll Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Reading the title I thought this was some kind of joke thread. Apparantly not. So you have one class that's able to beat you and you want it nerfed? That's... Hm. I'm having trouble thinking of a strong enough negative term to describe it. Just... no. =P Rogues do -not- need the only class that stands a chance against them toned down. Sorry.
    Critics breed growth, apologists (fanboys) breed stagnation.
  • zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    prolaga wrote: »
    If you feel TR is underpowered and that you are a punchbag in BG, you really should learn to play.
    TR is the most OP class in the game at the moment......

    TR is fine. The only thing that is unbalanced is that they can one shot you with their daily, but realistically, the CW and DC damage daily can pretty much do the same thing from ranged and has CC attached to them. Tone down the damage dailies a bit for pvp is all that is needed.
  • bejita231bejita231 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wuhsin wrote: »
    I haven't played PVP but I think when they release the Archer Ranger that Wizards won't last very long in an arena with them. Squishy controller versus ranged striker? No chance.
    If they are balanced properly, they wont have anywhere near the burst of a rogue, burst is the rogues niche, and their attacks will have wind up times leting the control wizard LOS or CC him back, i fell CW is just all around OP in pvp, but TR doesnt need to have CC, it just mashes buttons and wins, that is true essence of easy mode and overpowered
  • psychickittypsychickitty Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually I don't feel there is an issue with control wizards.

    They really don't have that much health and their whopping few seconds of control isn't that big of a deal.

    What I do have an issue with is the Trickster Rogue's Stealth.

    That stealth ability just doesn't work very well....and it doesn't last long enough and takes too long to recharge and gets canceled form everything...damage, healing, using some power....seams like everything cancels it.

    And I find the duelist flurry power kind of annoying about how long it takes to hit....and that fact its a higher level ability then the base attacks yet does less damage and is slower.

    Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.


  • jajikjajik Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm leveling both CW and TR in parallel. First was CW and when I got to PVP on level 10 I felt like I can dominate no matter what I do. So I decided to try how to feel to be on the opposite side. And leveled TR to 26th to try both PVP on 10th and 20th at least. First of all, I really appreciated this guy that made me understand mechanic: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?168381-TR-PvE-Leveling-Guide (posted by rabbinicus)
    Playing as TR in PVP you have one extreme tactical advantage - stealth. It gives you an opportunity to sneak to the farthest control point, and lure out single target, usually not full health, to your 1vs1 fight. And you have all the advantages on your side - you see him coming, all your skills are ready to strike, and by the time he reaches you - you go stealth and can plan your battle from the first hit. Not a single class in this game have such advantage.
  • darknight0354darknight0354 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    Two posts above me, you haven't leveled or pvp'd much as a TR have you? They are extremely deadly in PVE and PVP (always top one or two personally) Learn to play your class. Because we will be seeing nerfs.
  • almostcoolalmostcool Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually I don't feel there is an issue with control wizards.

    They really don't have that much health and their whopping few seconds of control isn't that big of a deal.

    What I do have an issue with is the Trickster Rogue's Stealth.

    All their powers are revolved around it.....and what does it give? A whopping 20% bonus to damage....
    Problem is it gets cancelled from everything and can easily be seen through.

    I thought at first when I did PVP I was doing something wrong so I finally asked some other players I fought against.

    My stealth just wasn't hiding me....nor was it really adding much to my damage.

    If any effect or attack was done it was auto-canceled.

    The thing is its already got a huge penalty....it give you 5 seconds of stealth.....it takes over 10 to recharge and that timer only starts after you use it. Almost every attack a trickster rogue uses also cancels it.

    And what is worse is that some trickster rogue attacks simply miss if the target moves.....like for example the confusion hit or the teleport like attack(yah not really teleport because anything blocking it will stop it)

    I mean I really don't have many issues....just the actual class powers don't work the way they should....the descriptions tell you one thing....and the powers don't work that way.

    To give an example of the stupidity of the powers....you can activate hide then use the duelist flurry...by the time the nifty animation starts your hide is almost gone...and worse still if the target moves or does any form of counter attack which the trickster rogue can do nothing about while they are stuck in the animation.....the damage it does is canceled....the actual hide is canceled....and weirdly any form of defenses the hide was supposed to give is canceled as well.
    What I mean by this is if you use that supposed power that supposed to protect you from holds for a few seconds and all effects while in hide.....it does nothing while you are in the middle of an attack animation.

    That really bothers me.....so basically what players in pvp do...is they simply wait for the trickster rogue to attack and then use hold effects...because hide and all protections get removed while the trickster rogue does that.

    Ahhh well.....

    And by the way the trickster rogue is not the most op class.....when you can start one shot killing groups of enemies then its op.....but I am afraid the great weapons fighter with its build up attack that give its more damage and defenses as it charges kind of out does the trickster rogue.

    Also there are a lot of things that continually stop the trickster rogue where you play a guardian fighter or great weapon fighter and can ignore.

    I am sorry but I think it looks like I have bit more experience with all the classes then many posters on this thread...because I am sorry....but when you say the rogue is OP or the best....you need to actually play this game....because you find its not really that OP....

    I think your problem is using duelist flurry in pvp. I bet you use fan of blades too.
    The Spellthief Trials
    By @Stebss
    Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
    Tired of Being the Hero: NW-DGTOU4N94
  • bigojester420bigojester420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Im a lvl 30 TR So u have to use ur back stab alot get in close and disable right away its not a stun they just cant use there moves. I do good every pvp match i am in, CMs are no problem. wait till they dodge in battle then go for them use or invis a lot to gain advantage when u can. i also use duelist fury u just have to know ur timings, lol i use reg attack and duelfury as second 2 sicc.
  • endlesspillowsendlesspillows Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 92
    edited May 2013
    Is this thread really about a ROGUE saying that ANOTHER CLASS needs to be balanced?

  • sirnamedsirnamed Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 102 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You're not using Stealth very well if you feel the TR is underpowered in anyway. In PvE, with the aid of Shadow Strike, you can be in Stealth more often than you're not. In PvP, it's not much different, but definitely drop the Duelist's Flurry. No player with half a brain is going to stay still long enough for you to get full DPS out of that thing. Even if you open with a stun, you still won't have time. Only hope is if you're paired with a CW.
    As eyepatchdude has stated, we have an Encounter power that makes us immune to stuns, an Encounter power that allows us to teleport immediately behind our targets and an Encounter power that immediately refreshes our ultra-awesome Stealth meter AND a Daily power that allows us to be in that ultra-awesome stealth for EVEN LONGER.

    If you are dying as a TR in either PvP or PvE, it's because you are failing to make use of the Stealth that makes this class so absurdly powerful.
  • brenton490brenton490 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't understand where thus guy is coming from. I play a TR and I mop the floor with pvp so hard that I end up with whispers after matches going " **** dude you hit like a truck". That being said you just have to use your abilities right. I am currently rolling a life steal trickster and take no damage for I heal as fast as I can take it. But some classes are annoying to chase will say.
  • strawbyxstrawbyx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    Everyone basically becomes a flimsy punching bag at 60 anyway.

    Read my post and watch the video, you'll see why.

  • xykromaxxykromax Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    strawbyx wrote: »
    Everyone basically becomes a flimsy punching bag at 60 anyway.

    Read my post and watch the video, you'll see why.


    People think they saw and already done everything the fact that below lvl 60 pvp isnt the same as lvl 60 they think they know everything and just type L2P
    Lost my Proud in Owning - The Hero of the North Pack & The Guardian of Neverwinter Pack
  • mackflymackfly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The problem is simple:

    You dont stand a chance vs a ranged class as a meele. Every time you want to hit a ranged player you need to stay at the ground and do your attacks. The ranged class can simply outrun you and kite you to death, because you cant walk and attack. Itried to kill a tank in pvp, he got only a littl life left and i cant kill him because he simply run like hel and i cant do anything but port after him and throw some daggers at him.

    i think you need all + movement items you can get for pvp if you play a meele class.
  • agenteusaagenteusa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    senseijohn wrote: »
    It's basically like fighting two end bosses at the same time... only with MUCH better AI.

    That is debateable xDDD
  • frychiknfrychikn Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    not sure how anybody can think TR is weaker than GF... but ok!
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