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  • Well, this console generation is the one with the smallest jump of every other generation-change. Recent PS3 games do not look that much worse than similar PS4 games.
  • Easy: The mass reached the point, where they could get an artifact-weapon, just recently and not months ago. The mass is not grinding ToD on a daily basis.
  • Well, large demand and rising AD-inflation.
  • AD and thus Zen-Items aren't free. You have to do stuff for it.
  • Well, i suppose our opinion on what makes a good story differs. I do not only need a good story, i do also need a good implementation of that story in the medium that is used. I just think, it is incredible boring to run around and interact with everything that "glows" if it gives nothing interesting. I did play Shadowrun…
  • Nah, something is wrong with the whole game-concept. You cannot design a game around praying, crafting, playing the AH and stuff like that if the focus is on action. Of course people start to feel fooled if they cannot advance by playing the game.
  • Iam not exactly talking about mindless H&S. I suppose, my CoD-analogy was not very good. Just imagine a really large bossfight with several phases and changing locations. This does not need to be "H&S". You could build small puzzles in, for example. Heck, you could build a foundry that consists of a single giant bossfight.…
  • For some reason i feel like you do not get my point. You can have both. A great story and great gameplay. Your basically arguing like people argue, that want to defend an H&S because it gets criticised for its poor Story. An H&S also does not need a good story to work, but a good story is still possible and would be a…
  • Of course you can, but only if you got decent writing. Withhout it, you can do nothing with that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>-editor. Also you got a problem if your not able to speak english fluently, since you get a lot less hits in any other language. You can make interesting quests with an good toolset which do…
  • Did it with two purple Platesmiths. Took ~40k AD to unlock it on all chars.
  • Of course it is, i have never said anything else. But this is the foundrys - or more the developers - fault. If they had added a REAL editor and not this excuse of one, we wouldve seen foundrys people actually want to play because they are awesome and not because of rewards.
  • This is because the hardware is already not up-to-date at release of a console. Also the company usually makes a deficit per sold console. The money comes from the games and licences, not from the console itsself. Because of that it is a HUGHE problem, if a console actually fails to sell enough games. I myself play…
  • Well, what do you lose if you kick someone in a pug? Maybe you get ignored by four players, but modern MMOs are not about the community anymore anyways. I remember times in onlinegames, where you could basically restart on another server if you did something like that.
  • Not with the right tools. In its current state, yes, everything you can do is a purely textbased adventure. But you do not need to be a genius to realize, that 99% of the output would be boring as hell because of it. Most people aren't writers after all. Did you try out the NWN1 and 2 editors? You could easily make great…
  • Well, i think there are a lot more pressing matters than death animations right now.
  • True, but you could also make a Call-of-Dury-like Foundry where you do not need much words but it could be still fun. This is an Action-RPG after all. Sadly, the editor does not allow that kind of stuff. You just run through and kill dozens of preplaced mobs while nothing interesting happens. Boring. I tried the foundry…
  • They also use emotes from Champions Online. And iam pretty sure, ive heard parts of music from CO in NWO as well. One particular theme sounds very much like the opening theme of CO.
  • You seriously belive that, aren't you?
  • I have not done a ToD daily in quite a while. Just the two weeklys. And i have not even unlocked LoL yet. The amount of dailys you have to do in this module is just too much to stand for me.
  • This depends completely on the player. You cannot generalize it so easily. Many people do not care for most of the stuff you wrote. If you take me for example: Most foundries are incredible boring. And i value my freetime a bit too much to bore me through a ton of foundries to find maybe a single really good one. The…
  • For a lot of people something like this would feel like they are missing something. This is not a very pleasant feeling.
  • 80$ to 100$ is not "cheap enough" for a single item that gives you nothing gameplaywise. It is too expensive in basically every currency: Money, AD or time. Especially time. Ever tought about on how long it would take to get all the RP needed for a single legendary just by playing and having fun?
  • If you managed to get the last two boons of the ToD-Campaign, you probaly slaughtered more dragons than the amount which would fit into the world of Fearûn. Congratulations, you are basically responsible for a genocide. No one in Neverwinter cares if your riding on completely unrealistic (for D&D-measures) mounts. It is…
  • Just wait till they get the idea to increase the levelcap.
  • The thing is, "players" are not an infinite ressource.
  • I do not want to have everything maxed after four days also and i have never written anything like that. I for one just want steady and motivating progress, not something like "here, go grind for 20 days for a small upgrade." Iam not talking about PvP also. PvP in this game is completely broken and a waste of time anyways.…
  • The only motivating part of this game is getting stronger. There is nothing else that motivates, like housing or exploring with interesting rewards. And how do you get stronger? Exactly, by getting stronger items. It gets demotivating, even frustrating, if there is not any frequent meaningful progress. It is the same as…
  • How many players do you see with artifact stuff? How many of them are not playing several hours daily? And how many are at legendary or at least epic? Imho it is the wrong way to put even more artifact-gear into the game. Not only because it is annoying to get, also because it is incredible annoying to upgrade. No idea…
  • Yeah, the browsergame-feeling makes NWO complete.
  • I said it before: A lot of players like to do meaningfull progress in the time they have.