maybe the op is just new to the game... When cryptic closes a door they crank open a window, there is no way to avoid them making some new set or power combo that will still be exploitable to big damage or debuff, thats their modus operandi and the way they profit. probably will be expensive, as always... The only reason…
Why are cryptic devs actually opening this thread? What is needed to justify a fix of something that has not been working as intended since the beginning? the set should do weapon damage on crits, and now is doing weapon damage on crits. if cryptic devs actually did all their work properly the first time nothing of this…
On module 2 evocation was giving double damage bonus for "shards" (and "shards" was athing people used before also being nerfed), so people usually would ditch "chilling presence" (which wasn't buffed so much as it is now) and not storm spell. The change were exactly that: nerfed shards and fixed evocation and buffed…
QUALITY OF LIFE CHANGES IN DIRE NEED:(in order of ease to change) 1- Take or change the cap on the currencies, 1200 or less is ridiculous with the amount that you can get in a day, currently and it really helps no one. 2- Aren't the stupid glyps and marks supposed to stack why on hell they never did stack is it so hard to…
is it still class bound to TRs? all the other transmutes from packs are not class bound, so they should fix it to match the other ones or I wont be buying it or any of the new ones they plan to release.
no way in hell I'll buy something that is only useful for a single character class. these guys have no clue what they are doing or bother to see what they actually did in the last packs... come on.
- Having 1200 Ichor on your character and opening an Ichor Cache while weekly limit is below 400 will add to your weekly limit without actually giving you any Ichor, since the 1200 threshold can't be breached. if you keep on clicking the ichor it will drain all your limit and you wont be able to get a single ichor point on…
only this way it seems, piece of HAMSTER forum doesnt even have a basic feature, and it is HAMSTER impossible to find something here or even read, everything is so bad.
-25% damage? you still get one shot. it is useless and the boss like cragmire still not touched... are you HAMSTER crazy? too little and too late, I have lost at least 15 GREAT players from friends list. and tbh I dont even play it anymore just log in once ina few weeks to see whats up. You destroyed the game.
module 2 hands down, good passing, very nice lairs, good and varied rewards and equipment, good dungeon (VT), boons were worth doing (apart from the 4th). Sharandar is much mure beaultiful, but the pacing is depressing and the gating of the gear by the need of finishing weeks of content and farming AND having all the gates…
it is working you usually have the hp even if your bar is almost half, because of the temporary hitpoints, the problem with gwfs is the unstopable button not working from time to time, usually on the worst case scenario
potions are not ok, witht he extra cooldown and the total % of hp they heal compared to the total hp they are much much much less effective as the last modules and that is really just one mora way cryptic wants to scam you for some extra zen for health stones.
wait what? that was probably a foundry quest, and foundries are offline right now, cant remember such quest on any class/race composition. wait the foundry go back and look for it again, if thats a foundry you will be able to do it even on higher levels.
yes my opinion on the matter is, make t1 easier enough, make t2 harder but not THAT much like now, and then make the other dungeons that will be added harder and harder but still doable with the new equipment you get. the way it is right now you are killing off newcomers and lowbies on content they should be able to do and…
been using my paladin booster pack healer on my main cw to level to 70 keep me top hp and so far I like that guy lol good thing is that I also have some lifesteal and sharandar healing boon really helps too along with some potions.
that's a different issue, gotta make a thread about increasing the xp rewards on the new elemental evil content, it really suck ***, I am at 75% bonus xp and still taking 3 or 4 days of playing to level to 70. the same xp bost makes a lvl 40 to 60 in one or two days of reasonable game time. oh and tod missions really give…
from the same post you linked: "Greetings Adventurers! With the increase in level cap we are taking this opportunity to adjust how our campaigns work. Our intent is that the Sharandar, Dread Ring, and Icewind Dale campaigns remain compelling high level content, while the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign continues to provide an…
same thing that's the level of the original dungeon seals, there are no seals for gear lvl 60-69. if it serves as consolation some of the items are nice transmutables for some classes lol I do wish they put something usable for lvl 60+ there maybe another piece of gear or whatever.
dude, the whales are the fist to cry when they cant facetank ****, you are already seeing posts and tears on dungeons. the content is too hard and will be fixed, but the campaigns aren't meant for undergeared, alone lvl 60 players. just like they weren't meant for lvl 50. don't confuse me knowing my limits and knowing…
The campaigns were always end game content, could you go to sharandar on lvl 50? you couldn't. the new level cap is 70, they are only keeping the lvl 60 players probably because of compatibility and any old progress you had. It is doable if you are overgeared, sure, but you CAN still do it with aparty, is that too hard to…
the drops from mobs are leveled to you, which is great, also the end chest. but yes the rest of the stuff on the dungeon is low level, just ignore it, kill them all for the blues and the chest. that's the reason to run them, they took pretty much the odds of getting blue drops from the open instances so when you start…
lol I liked the feedback of the popup hahaha so you know how opinions/taste work and how hard is to balance that. I just want the gray icon or the timer till next day so we cant keep thinking we can pray again lol.
The module is fine, they probably have to decrease damage from trash mobs and bosses on several instances, but that's easily done, the rest is fine. Actually if it really increases the difficulty but still makes partying with a tank/healer a fun and easier experience that would be really good news. Cant really say it will…
no no I am fine with nerfing damage on trash and bosses on dungeons, maybe even on campaigns areas and lairs. I am not fine with class bashing. I said that on my post, i fyou have dificulty with agood party THEN you can complain and be reasonable.
yeah it is really strange that people are doing the NEW CONTENT(even if most of it is not exactly new, still need to level up anyway) or doing paldins and the rest of those instances you said were bots. that's very interesting, you want all the old instances full on one day after launch... funny. and if you cant handle the…
Apparently people cant claims extra benefit for their classes without bashing other classes, stop crying, get a party with gf and dc and go play. AND if you, on a party with a dc and a gf still get killed, then you have to complain about the mob damage not about cw ffs! 1-learn that things change and plan accordingly; yes…