Question is, is the severity working? I choose this too, but in my character sheets there is life steal severity 1 and 100%, the 5% is not shown there.
Sometimes (I noticed this in PvE only) is it possible to proc SoD 4 times.... TIME ATTACKER ATTACKTYPE DAMAGETYPE VICTIM DAMAGE CRITICAL SPECIAL FLANK BASEDAMAGE EFFECTIVENESS 08:11:33 Levthan Shadow of Demise Physical Black Tiamat Head 232415,0 False None False 08:11:33 Levthan Shadow of Demise Physical Black Tiamat Head…
Thats make no difference. The GPF is only used to make SoD proccs twice. That's not driven by 60s cooldown. The only point I noticed is that most of the time in pvp the Sod do not proc, because the other player dies before the proc.:D But for long boss fights like tiamat it's a amazing damage boost when SoD double pric for…
Seems that is sometimes bugged. I do not use Plaguefire....but the ACT log`s during Tiamat fight shows sometimes double or tripple procs: TIME ATTACKER ATTACKTYPE DAMAGETYPE VICTIM DAMAGE CRITICAL SPECIAL FLANK BASEDAMAGE EFFECTIVENESS 20:11:29 Levthan Shadow of Demise Physical Black Tiamat Head [298] 311316,0 False None…
Only luck, or no luck. My first 2 Artifact weapons were the sly flourish weapons, I had this not in my bar Third weapon was the dulist flurry weapon, I had dulist flurry on my bar...
I`m sorry to destroy your dream of easy bring up the weapon with another second wepon. I have 2x times the same artifact weapon. If I refine the first with the other (both are rank1) i gave me douple RP = 3000 RP Now I put some RP one the weapon (in my tries only 800RP to bring it to level 2). If i now add this lvl 2…