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  • The Owts works, its just that sometimes it just gives you like 90-95% stealth back insted of 100% stealth. And sometimes, lets say i do a 1vs2 fight at the far node. I drop a smoke bomb, and i notice i only get like 90-95% stealth, and all of a sudden the HR pops arrows in me, and now my stealth meter is down to 70%~ and…
  • I think the One with the shadows dmg buff is supposed to increase your encounter damage for 10 seconds for 20%, and not the at-will dmg. So if you throw a smoke bomb to proc the one with the shadows, re-enter stealth and do your lashing blade, you can probably see a difference in dmg there, compared to just a "stealth +…
  • Nvm, the T.Vorpal seems fully functional now
  • Bull Charge = Prone. Repel = A huge push with a stun at the end of it.
  • Also decreases the duration of Into the fray, and makes HR roots tick for a very very long time
  • I tested out the T.Vorpal after it got a "fix" from todays patch. It seems the 2% DR debuff on the enemy works, but it still increases their dmg insted of decreasing it.
  • Prone's can also sometimes glitch out your ITC. If you get proned and during the "getting up on your feet" animation happends and you use your ITC during that moment, your ITC will get used and have no effect.
  • I hear a friend with the old profound set does not notice the "One with the shadows" bug. But every TR who has the new gear "elemental" is experiencing this issue.
  • Also I think the ITC bug has been around since the beggining of this game. If you dodge and pop your ITC "impossible to catch" during a dodge roll, you will not get any effect from your ITC.
  • I remember when i read the notes on the stat changes 400 = 1% and so on will allow us players to build & stack more of serten stats etc. Now we gona get forced to go all in on armor pen? o.O Makes no sense to me. 20k armor pen \o/ PARTY!
  • Atm the icon you'll see on the target you hit when you have a pure or transcendent vorpal actually GIVES them 2% damage resistance & 2% more damage. So it actually seems to be working backwards atm.
  • Hehe yeah, thx for the highlighting. The vorpal icon you add on your targets when you hit them should reduce the damage resistance & dmg they will do, but I think it actually works the other way around, that it actually buffs their damage resistance & damage.
  • Imo, GF's should have a lower base damage than a GWF. The GF has way more defensive tools with his big shield compared to a GWF with his huge two handed sword. Makes no sense that a GF is able to out perform GWF's in damage + have more defensive tools.
  • Unmitigated damage = PVE, PVP = Mitigatable! Even tho it might perform "miracles" in PVE it will not perform those kind of miracles in PVP
  • Guild name: Absolute @name: @krigsskadad1
  • Before this module, new players struggled to get RP for their artifact gear. It looked promising on the test server with RP, but now when it's live the problem is still there. New players have no way of getting their artifact gear refined.
  • It kinda feels like gateway has 1kb to run with, almost like you are downloading torrents with 99.9% of your internet speed, and the remaining 0.1% is all gateways
  • Nevermind the xbox stuff, just turn it off :D Gateway havent been functioning for 2-3 days now. Probably because of the xbox thingie.
  • I cannot acces the game or gateway. Says the server is online but when i type my password it says "Too many attempts; please try again later.". And gateway is saying "Invalid username or password.Please try again." Or its just a blank page.
  • I think movement speed needs some adjustments, 400 to 1% is not worth it. Having dark enchantments in your utility slots is almost giving you nothing at all. I hope to see some adjustments to this otherwise we wont see alot of people even making use of the utility slots. I am a pvp player i wouldnt even consider using fey…
  • Yes, 1 Duelist flurry can suck up the whole HP of a target, but only because of 1 class feature and **** tons of boons proccing, to suck away 100k hp without beeing in stealth and benefitting from opressive darkness we would need around 40 duelist flurries to get the job done, we probably wouldnt even get the job done…
  • I do not like these changes. I dont know if this might apply on every class or just the TR. But atm most of my damage comes from boons proccing and just 1 class feature that deals tons of piercing dmg. If i woudnt have those boons or the opressive darkness class feature, my damage would be almost non existant. I did a…
  • The regen change and the life steal random proc is abit creepy for me as a pvp player. I rely alot on regen to keep me healthy, or atleast alittle bit healthier. And a random life steal proc feels abit meeh, also if a cleric just throws up a empowered astral shield, then he just killed my life steal by a 100% unless i do a…
  • I got a question, since i got 36+ rank 10's. Will it requier me to make 108+ more rank 10's to be able to upgrade my current rank 10's to 12 if you know what i mean :P
  • Yeah.. I even set my alarm clock to be able to have 1-2 hours left on the event. I thought the maintenance would start when the winterfestival was ending :( Oh well
  • I noticed sometimes the cleric phase can glitch out and the dragons will never show, and sometimes dragons will never come up, they are burried deep down underground not possible to deal dmg to them. I would suggest some changes to the party thing. First off let players who are in a party get into the same instance. +…
  • I gained around 600 gear score with "Prestidigitation". I mean, it doesnt provide that much. 3% of 1000 is 30. 30 power or 30 crit is like nothing at all. In my case i have around 5k power, that is 150 power its really nothing at all. Im thinking about respecing and remove it, put some points into something other useful. I…