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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Not every MMO.Good MMO grows in the first few months intensely. Good example was WOW which grew from a few hundreds thousands to millions mostly BAD mmos where people loose interest that drop after a few months which is indication they didnt like it...for example SWTOR or Age of Conan (and those were payed ones)
  • What you should do maybe is when people report gold spammers, is IPban. Not just a name or account but the whole IP for 24 hours If they spoof their IP with a proxy you would see the IP proxy and BAN that for 24h..so they cant use that proxy anymore or their own IP (for x amount of time whatis appropiate
  • lol this isnt their first game..and devs mostly have nothing really to say about the F2P model. they just make the game and implement the store to finance it. But that is a business model decision usually made by some ties or the 1 or 2 people in charge
  • melee small guy melee BIG guy ranged caster small ranged caster BIG rotate textures. yea great job
  • should have some sort of premium account possible where you pay 12$ a month and you dont need tokens for respec etc.. <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • Look, now you play 2 chars... then you want to play third or respec and you have to spend ridiculous amount of money.. so you quit...which makes finding groups more difficult..guilds become emptier etc.. basically its the start of a game dieing. You dont want that.. You want lots of people. So dont scare the free players…