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  • Neverwinter will undergo maintenance on 7/14 at 7AM PT for roughly two hours?
  • With any luck, they would start making a 50% off an Enchanted Key as a purple coupon :)
  • Not sure if its related, but the lag timeframe you reported was at the same time that ARC was doing the mega stress test on the Gigantic servers. If the Gigantic servers and the Neverwinter servers share any common network elements, it could have been the source of the problem. Maybe someone from Arc could weigh in on…
  • The Zen prices should be permanently a lot lower anyway, so I don't see lots of sales as a problem. The trade market is already over-flooded with AD. When the zen/ad conversion rate is practically stuck to 500(max), then there's a problem. Anything they do to boost Zen sales is a good thing for the "entire" economy, not…
  • Gonna hit 100 pages and 1000 twitter followers at the same time. 100 pages X 10 posts per page = 1000 posts too. Coincidence? hmmm....
  • The PWE Outage Twitter Page will hit 1000 followers soon too. I think that page is about to officially become a resource :)
  • Now we're entering the time warp stage. The last 6 hours seemed to go by fast, but now that they said just a few more minutes til final checks, our perception of time will slow to a crawl waiting to click "play".
  • I'm totally guessing here, but maybe a custom avatar becomes available after XX posts or X amount of time.
  • User CP > Edit Avatar > Custom Avatar
  • They have yet to state who has ownership of the problem. It depends if its a 3rd party network issue or not. Its crazy inside those data centers, if you go past "this line", its someone else's property and you cant touch it, even though you are standing 3 meters from the problem. If a 3rd party does own the problem, the…
  • I Have a new lvl 40 cleric, I would be happy to help you, maybe you can help me too. Pls check your PM's.
  • Maybe this is all just a bad dream...*pinches self*
  • I see your point? Lol, wait, no I don't see it. Seriously, I agree, that mount looks sweet, but it needs a teensy bit less translucency. If you didn't know it was a horse in the 1st picture, I doubt you could identify it.
  • This indeed seems to be the case, and it's a shame for such a nice game too.
  • Great idea. This makes perfect sense. /signed
  • I think the extremely low drop rate in Neverwinter contributes greatly to players having to do excessive runs, that eventually leads to player burnout. This is especially true when they never even get the drop they are hoping for. Over the years I've played a lot of games too and I have NEVER seen any game with such a low…
  • I agree. I do think they have the coolest and best looking companions in gaming, they just need more love when it comes to fighting. They do almost no damage, and most of them cant survive well. Eventually they become a hindrance if you need to continuously revive them every fight. It doesn't stop me from collecting them…
  • found the instructions HERE
  • Has there ever been anything officially posted on this? Like if its on the radar or not?
  • I love the idea of Active(attack)[F1] and Passive(follow)[F2]. I've played several games with companions, and this schema worked the best hands down. Especially, like you say, in certain dungeons or fights it might be better, for the team, to keep your companion in follow mode until called upon. IF the companions were…
  • Well drats! TY for the answer. There are at least 4 mounts I love the design and wouldn't mind owning, but I just don't like something about the color. I guess I will keep waiting to see if they ever come out with a perfect colored mount and accessories. Its a shame when items sit on the shelf because the colors only…
  • You mean like dividing maps into territories, and whichever guild owns a particular territory gets specific privileges there?
  • Oh nice, thanks for sharing. I was thinking about making a new toon, this will come in very handy :) EDIT : now that I look at it, I could have done a better job matching my current races/classes with optimization in mind. Nooooo, I don't want to start over with new toons, you cant make me! *runs off to re-evaluate* :D
  • It would be nice if they did anything at all to ease the pain of mailbox management, because its seemingly difficult for no apparent reason. If they at least had a Zen Store item for sale, like a portable mailbox, then I could sure understand their reasoning, but currently there is no way to ease the burden of the email…
  • Yeah, I play this in another game, and in addition to managing their armor, you have to balance their stats build as they grow, but in the end, its still AI VS AI. The only exception was that you did have 2 buttons, 1 for attack, 1 for calling your companion back. This gave you the ability to temporarily recall your…
  • I think it would be a great addition to the game too. With having 1 each of the classes I am constantly transferring nice class-locked drops, etc, back and forth between my players. I didn't create a guild bank, I use the email system for transfers, but it has similar limitations. Even with meticulous email maintenance, I…
  • I think it sounds fun and adds a new dimension to the game. IMO, the more little cool things like this you add in the game, the more interesting the game becomes. I'd be willing to bet there is a direct relationship between the level of how interesting a game is, and how good the player retention is.
  • I agree, this is probably an easy way to rectify gold spamming overnight, but remember, it reclassifies the game as no longer Free To Play...kinda (just being the devils advocate here for the sake of the conversation). Did they also find a way around letting legit players eventually chat?
  • I was skeptical about loot companions, until I bought one in another game. It turned out to be the best investment I made. They really are awesome! EDIT: Wanted to add, that this particular loot companion was actually more like a pet, it didn't fight or engage the enemy at all and gave no boosts or buffs. It used a second…