Actually u will not getting any point or any rewards when u doing nothing at the instance. Most of my lag instance ive got the lowest point, so not getting any reward.
A bit Disappointed atm most of my run having to face bad lag, bug Instances and most of my good run ended up with Error... About 10 try manage to win 1 favor.
Base on my previous experience submitting ticket for certain incident, most of the reply i get are from auto mail. So i suggest you to write a specific mail to customer service using this adress. Here the mail
Sadly there is a few bunch of people abuse the vote kick.. I just been kick by a bunch of low level char at final boss fight. After clearing all crystal solo when boss appear they vote kick me. Kinda mad with the action.
Today i run CN with pugs few of them in same guild.. After all hard work dps Draco.. untill the hp reach 1% they vote kick me leaving me lost the chance to loot the drop.. Such a bad day for me..
I love the Que suggestion. I fail to enter Malabong dun 4 times in a row today just becoz someone decline the pt. very2 anoyinq.. Need to reque again, again and again. Sometime this will effect the whole team when one decline the whole pt will lack 1 or 2 members in DD. Totally anoying. why quewing when you bz doing other…