Yeah I went through that very same thing with trying to make a dps and tank loadout. It makes absolutely no sense I thought that was the purpose of the loadouts!!!!
So what is the difference between a banner run and a normal? I am a 3.2 gwf and I just ran 3 runs last night with my guild and was in the top 3 for damage dealt every run people just want it to be easy doesn't even require 4k just need a good group that knows what they are doing.
Yeah stability and union artifacts are cheap I have 3 power artifacts that's not so cheap lol. I wish that the belt and neck was the same but they don't seem near as efficient.
Well I use an epic air archon at the moment I have a fire as well with a couple others not sure which to make legendary. I know that it gives you 15% of their stats but I seen on a video a guy had one of his companions legendary but had another summoned. Now I am not sure that he had the companion geared up or not I assume…
Well I just upgraded from 3 greater bonding runes to 2 perfects and a r12 and I was amazed at the difference just really frustrated with illusionist gambit best I have gotten so far is a +3 after 100+ runs. To top it all off I got my first +5 ring but it's a ring of sudden defence and I am a gwf smh!!!
Well I went with weapon crafting first everything is maxed out including the master crafting. Now I see that it opened up stronghold weapons are these artifact weapons on par with the new dlc weapons or more like the elemental weapons? I also noticed that I can't craft weapons for cw or sw and since I have 3 characters 2…