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hotfizzel Arc User

Hello Everyone! Name is Dark Fury ... Can someone help me determine what are the best Primary and Secondary Artifacts for a Hellbringer Warlock. I am still pretty new with this character ... All of my gear is purple between 402 and 420 ... I know lol ... still need some improvement but I am working on it .. lol My Artifacts are not purple. Pls Advice. Tks. DF


  • Thank b4t1b4t and sandukutupo for your asnswers to my inquiry. DarkFury
  • Thank You! I will try contacting u through discord today as I have no idea what my server's name is. Peak hours are great so no problem there . Thanks again .. DarkFury
  • Hello Killerarsenal ... Thanks for info and no I have not found a guild yet as I have been trying to kick an awful cought for three weeks now .. ugh! and have not been able to check above invo yet as I have been under the weather. If you have an active voice chat I am interested for that is exactly what I am looking for.…
  • Wait until U get to the big boss as it is a doussy one .. lol ... Look me up when U r on n I can partner up with you to help U move up faster even though I may have completed that section. I am sure U can take of urself ... lol .. but two can go much faster. I use discord by the way . I will be back on tonight... It is…
  • Just so u guys know I am currently working on the last section of the evil hmm.... something campaign that comes after the fiery Pit and Sharandar. Just started those so I will be there for a while lol I say this cause it might be a lot easier for u guys to find me than the other way around ... lol and jmiller84 I will try…
  • Those are Awesome links U posted rifter1969 Thank You ... It is going to take some deciphering figuring out what they are saying .. though I love the "pillar" power in the SW and though I am relatively new in comparison I do not find this character as weak as some say it is but then, I am only familiar with the guardian…
  • Thank you both for your response. Not sure if there is any benefit belonging to a guild or no, .. lol .... I Just think being in a chat room and just chit chatting to other people or even just listening makes the game more enjoyable plus we can get tips or help if needed but mostly it is nice to just meet other players…
  • I am trying for a Hellbringer... Since I am usually a solo player I have to be able to survive on my own. But I am really relatively new to a SW and beginning to like it quite a bit , Not sure what a mod13 is..... ? I have not been able to beat Ring of Fire quest so I have been upping my gear to purple level. I need one…
  • Thank you I will consider that ... currently I use the Apprentice level 35 and it has been a big help because he heals n keeps enemies off me at times. I also got a Battlefield Medic which I am also trying it out. I will get both of these and give it a try. I would like to know where should I put my power n feat points..…
  • Thank You for info. will definetely try that. Dark Fury
  • Thank You all for your valuable input. I am happy to say I was able to complete the Reclamation Rock Campaign thanks to the suggestion received by everyone! I will tackle Drowned Shore boss where I first encountered problems on the third step of the campaign. Will let everyone know how it goes. Those changes particularly…
  • plasticbat ..... U said Warlord .... I am a Hellbringer Warlock is it the same for ur suggestion above?
  • Thanks for info I will try that! .. n see what happens... will let u know. wink**
  • My name character's name is Dark Fury by the way and I am relatively new. Been playing for about 8 month just so u know. Thanks!
  • I am a Warlock ... and it is the third Campaign at Drowned Shore and the second one at Reclamation Rock