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Looking for a friendly Active Guild group that uses voice chat preferably w Discord or other ... I am a SW level 70. Been playing for a year mostly as a solo player. Still in the process of learning. Name DarkFire.


  • jmiller84jmiller84 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 188 Arc User
    Feel free to message or mail me in game, @jmiller84 and we can have a chat. Can take a look at our guild recruitment here on the forums if you'd like. Valaraukari Ascension.
    HR: Vretzen
    GWF: Vretzina
    OP: Vee
    DC: Evee
    CW: nezterV

    Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
  • seijidaseijida Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Feel free to contact me anytime, too.
    (SHould be on again in about 10-11 hours from now.)

    My Guilds Name is "Infernal Blood" - we are a Guild founded in january 2016, GuildHall has level 17.
    We have between just a handfull and around 20 players online, depending on the time. I can give you more infos online. :)
    But we barely use Voicechat. We have an teamspeak for our alliance but it's only ever used by the same handfull of people. ^^'
  • hotfizzelhotfizzel Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Thank you both for your response. Not sure if there is any benefit belonging to a guild or no, .. lol .... I Just think being in a chat room and just chit chatting to other people or even just listening makes the game more enjoyable plus we can get tips or help if needed but mostly it is nice to just meet other players especially from other countries lol .. even if not in same game. I play Rift, Black Dessert, secret World and Neverwinter the latter of which I like the most and play the most at ... after all there is a life away from this keyboard .. lmao. Reason I prefer audio is because, though I can multitask, it is bothersome to have to stop the game just to text especially if one is in a dungeon or fighting lol. Never used Teamspeck seijida mostly Discord thought I am not that fond of how it workds .. lol I also never expect a large group in an audio maybe 5 to 6 players at different time zones .. lol so that would not be a problem either. I am currently getting over a cold and have zero voice to speak of ... lol with a persistent cough but I will be checking it out once I figure out how to contact you in game I came across this forum just by chance ... My characters name is DarkFury I am US central time if that means anything to you ... lol I am on and off all the time Once again thank you for contacting me. Happy gaming! Dark Fury
  • seijidaseijida Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    I will sure try tro find you ingame, otherwise just go on Character-search. (Open your Friends-List and choose the Register where you cans earch for a person.)
    Type in: Infernal Blood - contact any of my members and ask if a leader or officer is online. Thats the best way for a fast invite if you are interested. ;)
  • hotfizzelhotfizzel Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Just so u guys know I am currently working on the last section of the evil hmm.... something campaign that comes after the fiery Pit and Sharandar. Just started those so I will be there for a while lol I say this cause it might be a lot easier for u guys to find me than the other way around ... lol and jmiller84 I will try to figure out to message you too... Happy Gaming .. Dark Fury
  • killerarsenalkillerarsenal Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    hey hotfizzel, I've a feeling you already found yourself a guild but if that's not the case, feel free to check out Mystra's Embrace. We are active on voice and have people in your time zone. We're an international guild founded by game veterans who enjoy helping others out, and wanted a friendly social place to do it. I'm easiest to reach on discord, but you can also catch me in-game on my main Setleya@killerarsenal or just send me an in-game message and I should get back to you within a day.

    The right guild can make the game so much more pleasant to play. Hope whatever guild you choose works out for you :smile:
  • hotfizzelhotfizzel Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Hello Killerarsenal ... Thanks for info and no I have not found a guild yet as I have been trying to kick an awful cought for three weeks now .. ugh! and have not been able to check above invo yet as I have been under the weather. If you have an active voice chat I am interested for that is exactly what I am looking for. Love meeting people from different time zone since I can play morning or evenings late after kids are put in bed .. lol It might be easier for u to catch me and invite on in game since I am not quite sure how to do that. Discord I am ... peakatdawn ... I am currently playing between Sharandar and the last section of elemental evil campaign. I will open my discord tomorrow just in case U contact me. I assume ur discord name is Setleya or Killerarsenal but I will try to send u an ingame message tomorrow morning my time. Thanks for contacting me, DarkFury
  • killerarsenalkillerarsenal Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Aw, sorry to hear that you're sick. I hope you kick the cold soon! I'll do my best to get in touch with you some way or another. Not sure how to catch you on discord without having a server in common, but here's an invite link to our server - please feel free to come say hello and check us out. My personal discord handle is killerarsenal#2445. Our voice chat is very active during our peak hours, generally we have the most on voice between 8pm and 1am EST.


    Looking forward to talking to you soon!
  • hotfizzelhotfizzel Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Thank You! I will try contacting u through discord today as I have no idea what my server's name is. Peak hours are great so no problem there . Thanks again .. DarkFury
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