I was able to start it when I was all alone in GH and called in team. We got to wave 4 before we ran out of supplies but had some on us. When it reached 0 it failed, not sure if it was from the other alliance members showing up or going to 0 on supplies?
So I was able to start marauders when I was all alone in GH and had people come in after the supplies had been set. We got to wave 4 and our supplies went to 0 then it failed. Not sure if it was from supplies going to 0, we did have some on us or when more people showed up. Both happened at same time. More testing…
We are still looking and the chemistry with the guilds we have now is great. If your guild is looking for fun and help moving the guild up you should check us out.
It is not just one of my toons or 1 type of item. I have trouble on a few guys, maybe all if I tried to refine on all, with weapons, artifacts and artifact armor.
Still having this issue for months now. Nothing works all the time, sometimes I get lucky and can refine to max but why the hell can't I just be able to refine everytime!