Are we going to get drop events for PVE players (something like slight increase drop rate and the like even a increase gold rate and chance for AD would be great your AD system is still a little barren considering the item priceing of other things. plus pandering to the FortNight croud and the WOW people is two different…
Well it looks like they fixed the heroic quests since last patch (typos aside) but your character should still be introduced to Rough Astral Diamons for the Dailys earler than when you face down your first dragon (even if you can only get RAD form the quest once daily. or the amount is something small and silly like 20-30…
I have done dungeon quests! I have done side quests, I have done campaign quests, I have even done instance quests that is the POINT!!!! I think the system in general is BROKEN right now because it is not giving me a THING not a single RAD none the less what I should have at this point and it appears I am not the only…
Random Dungeons don't give me loot for some odd reason... (I have been asking all over the forums if this is something I should be concerned may have been a new update than that got fixed recently I will ahve to try again) I should have gotten some AD and some rough AD form quests. It says due to Transaction…
Does this have aything to do with me being unable to use the Zen trade for AD to get AD to even use said Auction House? I am at the Nevedeath Cemetary and I HAVE NOT EVEN GAINED 1 RAD If rough astral Diamonds are going to still be implimented as a means for free players to Aquire Astral Diamonds and as currency for…
Okay My issue seems to be fixed, I restarted my computer and re-logged into the clinet. That may not solve for everyone but if it helps a few here it is.
Hmm I wonder if the server is having cashe dump issues regarding logged in accounts... I am currently experiencing a Login error myself and after beign attacked on a diffrent games forums (not arc related thankfully) I am a little on edge understandably... as a side note its good to see the Spellcheck is at least working…
It says it can not authenticate my account... WTF (I'm not sorry I did buy Zen yesterday and was having issues with the trade for AD system on the server I was thinking was just timed out because of Business stuffs so I was waiting for that to get fixed/be settled before trying again with the in game trade system.) CARE to…
Can we do something about the dungeon chest issues on the first Dungeon...(you guys said you were going to make the first time opening them free but its not to my knoledge and its kinda agervating to not even get anything for finishing the dungeon.) this was SUPPOSE to be where players were introduced to Rough Astral…
This is sounding like a typical Balenceing issue with new content. while I can agree to adding new content all around I cant see why you would not make some small lower level tasks for the festival events, its a Improvement that I can see selling the game a little more. I am so far as I am aware happy with the games…