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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Hating the duplicate mail bug. I make a point to check all my mail before I delete any single mail. But yes, this needs correcting. They could do with a check box that asks if you really want to delete an item that you haven't yet taken off your mail, so these sort of accidents don't keep happening.
  • Thankyou for that I was wondering the same thing x
  • Well I am still using my blue after hitting 21, though I don't know how much further I will go with it until I swap it out. But I've mainly kept it so far because the tool tips still suggest it's the 'recommended' weapon over others that I have received (even if the greens I get have better dps, NW tells me my blue is…
  • I can't get my head around that either. I remember I went 'woop 1 gold!', and then though, well now what? and carried on playing. TBH I currently don't even look at my gold anymore, it just has no use for me other then crafting and kits every now and again. In my mind it would work better if... :- > Auction House was open…
  • I totally agree with the OP, the whole currency structure needs to be changed. At the moment prices are too high. In other free-mmo games I play I can get a decent amount of bang for my buck to spend in the in-game stores and what have you, with regular bonus deals (like weekend double credit offers once a month or so). I…
  • I'd love to have Core connect work for NW. Would be nice to show off my characters and earn achievements for NW.
  • Yeah happened to me too, and I'm well miffed, as I just killed a quest boss that dropped goodies, but got D/C before I could claim my loot! Grrr!