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What is the Arc Client?
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  • It's a website I've used in the past. It's great for setting up events and groups. Has a calendar that you can setup things people can signup so you know who is coming plus a bunch of other cool features. When I set it up it mentioned a new app for the site but my service at work is sketchy so couldn't download it. But if…
  • Sounds good well on my phone at work I'm rather limited on what I can do with the website but started one up incase it's something we want to do. I sent the address to you in an XB message.
  • I've created a few for other mmos I've been apart of. There are a few sites you can use that make it pretty easy. If you want and we have enough people who use it I can create one by next week have you take a look at it and see if it's something you think we could use. CP FELONS/Goldmoon
  • Ah yes because everything you read on Reddit is 100% truth... But I don't even notice them anymore and when I did they wernt on my screen long enough to even read what it said...just like every other game out people will find anything to QQ about....
  • I queued instant both time last night. Once at level 15 the other at 24...
  • This is nothing new if you have played MMOs before. Every launch new game or xpac has server issues. Add that to this being the first xb1 MMO it's the price we pay (this case free) for being part of the launch. I am sure they are aware of the issues but this won't be fixed overnight just like it wasn't and will not be for…
  • Well being part of more new MMO launches and XPAC launched then I can remember I can tell you this is not something new. Almost every Mmo I've played didn't matter if it was a new release or an xpac they all have had server issues be it lag, drops, some not being able to play. It's the price we pay (this case it's free) to…
  • Sounds good! Gamertag is CP FELONS...don't worry I'm not a felon lol!
  • Hey I just started playing yesterday rolling a cleric and would love to find a mature, active guild. Now for the questions.... 1) I'm at work but think I got to level 13 yesterday. 2) I'm 35 3) Central time -Go Wild! 4) let's see I think I have played most MMOS (since Lotro) I have almost ten years of experience my main…
  • I played for a good 5 hours last night and didn't get booted once...I did freeze for a good 30sec once but never booted. Is this a common issue or could it be something in your end?
  • I am fine with it or without it. I'm not sure how not having it hinders your "exploration" I am always going off the path to explore the trail always follows me and corrects the coarse. Like I said I'm not for or against but hope if they so add it, it doesn't become cluttered and cause even more QQing...
  • I am looking for a friendly mature guild. I have been playing MMOs for over ten years and am glad to see one hit the xb1! Gamertag is CP FELONS see you in game!