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  • I only wish that instances would scale up difficulty when you are on a team, to make things more interesting. There is a bug that keeps popping up that will make instances scale up in difficulty, and whenever that bug is in effect things are so much fun. Naturally with increased difficulty should come greater rewards so…
  • First, it won't. It's not following any current D&D rules besides a few terms and basic concepts, so there are no rules to update. Second, shut up. 4E was superior to everything that came before it. D&D Next is a money-grabbing scheme that serves no purpose except to let Mike Mearls make embarrasing statements about…
  • Oh don't get me started on the crafting. But if I'm going to be stuck with what we've got I might as well try to get to do my crafting in a manner that is less irritating.
  • I thought I would just let them know what I wanted and let them figure out what it should cost or how to get it. You know, like it's their job.
  • Exactly what I said. What did you read?
  • The server disconnected me right after the last invasion. How was I supposed to trade in my bones? It's common sense to leave a way for people to cash in their rewards for a while after an event. It's common sense to expect it.
  • If BoP loot could be broken down to salvage which could be used to craft BoE loot, and if the best gear you could craft was just as good (or why not better, it takes more effort after all) as the best looted gear - then we might be on to something. Make crafting more interesting and useful. Make drops useful for crafting…
  • So pretty much like every MMO then?
  • Gotta wonder why this wasn't simply a Skirmish for all level ranges. Queue up, waste zombies on a team as the game was intended, cash in special loot.
  • Why are there even buttons? Automatically make everyone roll need on class-specific items, greed on everything else, and hand out items automatically. Or let me set automatic responses to various criteria (auto-need on blue loot that I can use, pass on whites, greed on everything else). Stop bugging me with pointless need…