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  • You think that's bad, try spending 40-50 bucks on greater bags of holding, and having them take away your means to pass them on to newer characters, The reason you bought them in the first place.
  • thanks for the info! And so the tone deaf management of this game continues...
  • Thanks for the heads up, Jimmy. Yeah, I may be a bit naive to the F2P system, but I think this is the first time I've seen something that's bought from a store be gimped like this. It's one thing to offer something for sale, then have it be devalued by a level cap increase or similar(like store ships in Star Trek Online),…
  • Consider yourself lucky, then. I bought 40 bucks worth of the things over the years, based solely on the idea that I could switch them out between characters. If these are gonna be BtC, then it's the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm done with this game, and possibly this company. This is the deliberate devaluation of…
  • Are they bound to character or account? Anybody know?
  • Anybody know if this means they'll be bound to character, or bound to account? If they're going to be bound to character, I'm gonna have a serious issue with this. I've bought 4 of the things, and it's general practice that when I start a new character, I move them to that character so that inventory management is a…
  • yeah, it IS kind of the worst of both worlds. You can't make alot of useful stuff AND it takes forever to level; except Alchemy, of course. Most importantly, the crafting becomes useless for the character you're levelling, as it can't keep up with your level as you advance. An extreme example: My GF was levelled to 60…
    in Crafting Comment by elzig4 February 2014