Raids in this game? Im not sure if thats possible since i dont think there are a lot of players out there who can handle 2500 adds at the same time on their screen.
My whole problem with DD is that it contains specific gear pieces which do not drop without it. This means that there is no point in playing dungeons (for me basicly playing the game) when its not on. Atleast give those DD pieces a low droprate when the event isnt on so there's still a chanse to get them..
With all the weekly Zen shop updates and all im getting the impression that their trying to get rich fast before the game is dead. B/c lets fase it, PVE with adds adds and adds who use 2 whole abilities is getting old fast. Pvp where people use 2 abilities to kill someone from full to zero, yea gg.
With a 2nd spot u probably had 2 clerics, 1 GF and 1 rogue ;) or just outgearing the HAMSTER out of the rest. The whole problem lies in the fact that GF and GWF have no role. For fights u need control (CW), dps (rogue) and healz (Cleric). I was exited to hear that GWF could spec for offtanks, but i dont think they can…
People need to be able to be replaced no matter what imo. If someone has to go after a while and u killed the first boss ur screwed, no one wants that. The only thing they need to change is to remove the ability of party leaders to kick members and change it to a 3/5 votekick system.
One small thing crossed my mind, i think it happened when the cleric had AS up. Mayb there's a conflict with both 50% dmg reductions? I will pay closer attention to it on the next runs.
I do agree that the server maintenance is anoying, mainly because they dont have an EU server and thus putting it down during peak hours in europe. A nuby mistake which they hopefully realise soon. One tip though. When u have to login before ur at ur character go to options and check 'disable on-demand patching. U will now…