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  • Go check wikipedia ... this is not a raid, its 25 man heroic encounter. This is not speculation, its facts. OR WoW is doing heroic encounters, and this game "raids " Raid has definition what is, what needs to happen etc to make it A RAID ENCOUNTER. This is not. I`m not saying this is not worthwhile experiance, just…
  • By that reasoning close party chat in dungeons, people tend to rage there too. Its every1 else fault they died standing in red
  • Actually it was 13 000$ if you watched stream event. Once the 10k mark was reached, it was incresed to 13k
  • Thus every question about lockboxes should be answered. We are buying same thrill casinos in Las Vegas promote.
  • Just checking any1 heard of Skinners effect ?
  • There we go, censured entire post of everyone who disagree this mod is better than life. "Thank you for your continued feedback" is a lie I gues Well gues what, you cant keep your entire player base down for too long, they will find a way to express their opinion be in on facebook to their guild and friends, youtube making…
  • I didnt say it will always work, or its a perfect solution, just listed it as an exsample that it can be done. And as I mentioned even I was impresed by the skill it took to make it look so esay and elegant. I have a CW too, so I know how much practice and skill it took to pull something like that. My point was, its far…
  • I was not saying CW`s in general are like that, not I would pre-judge people on what class they play. We still won 4vs5 even though his ego was hurt, since he died once or twice, and here he was talking down on ppl acting all mature, representing poor CW in need. Second, it is not true that GF vs CW = GF wins. My GF was…
  • I hope U`re not saying WoW was balanced ? I will just mention DK introduction and free gladiator status on that arena season. Also this game is oriented pvp wise 5vs5, so what U`re saying is make CW, best at group fights as it does CC, being ranged and quite alot of dps, lets make him 1vs1 duelist too ? Red glyphs have…
  • You do realise that any change to AD refining capacity will increse the AH prices by same ammount ? Your buying power will stay the same, it will just require more work to reach the cap Otherwise there would be no econimical crisis, countries would just print out more money. Same system works in games. If you print out…
  • Refining AD is the only source of AD into the game. Its like printing money. If you increse how much you can refine, you decrese the value of AD, thus increse in prices so your buying power will stay the same, you just need more items salvaged for the same result
  • Quite a few games sell "RnG", or "are you feeling lucky". And for some people that gambling rush is nice to have in game. Personaly I see no problems here, and kinda feels off the spirit of thread post. By spirit of the thread I mean, what will improve the game for the most of the community, to create enviorment where you…
  • Thank you for some clarification on the matter. While I doo 100% and a few more % agree "keep it civilized", not sure I agree how you say it, should be more important than the message you try to convey. It doesnt matter anyway as long as community, devs and moderators find a efficient way to communicate ideas to each…
  • It kinda feels strange, but this argument happens on these forums all the time, just everyone gets missunderstood between 1) Community trying to voice something 2) Community managers trying to enforce the rules, and sort out usefull information and not so much helpfull 3) Devs who can get the picture where their game is,…
  • Very nice and informative video, tnx for posting, its going strait to my facebook too :D
  • You do realise nobody will see this, and if community managers do it will get deleted. When they say feedback, they mean praise. And ye agree with the post
  • So, we just faced a premade of 20k+ GS team, while my pug group had around 15k. Did matchmaking you describe went on a vecation, and why didnt we get a memo about it ? Two of those players where on page 1, while myself around page 200 or so since I didnt play pvp lately ... so yeh ...matchmaking at its finest and that is…
  • Just give the timer next to an instance
  • So hard mode or just tweaking numbers on mobs and providing actual challenge gives us: -All the dungeons done properly and much longer per run -Rainbow party and roles different classes bring -D&D element, and actual satisfaction completing the dungeon -Solving problems, making different aproach to each pack and boss…
  • Ideas are born from debate, not monolog. I`m saying we start the ball rolling in the right direction, harder content would mean playing it right, with a rainbow team instead of just zerging everything. At least it would have been something, while now we have nothing. If we are just brainstorming here, shoot. Add your 2…
  • So when you said think differently, you meant think as these guys tell you ? Hard mode dungeons is just for starters, and requires only tweaking stat numbers on exsisting mobs and bosses. Everything else not to mention more grand and awesome requires more manpower, time and budget.
  • Think I read somewhere about that .... erm think it was called "Skill" if I`m correct ? Though it went exctint ages ago ?
  • It worked for other games ... dunno WoW comes in mind. Why would not here ?
  • Dont feed the trolls
  • I think everyone is missing the big picture here. What is the point of all that gear, if you have no where to use it ? The lack of any chalenge or end game content is killing this game IMO. Even if I get the belt, draconic set, and everything legendary and rank 10, what am I going to do with all that, look pretty in…
  • It wasnt that funny ... but I cant stop laughing for some reason :D. Good one, made my day
  • You kinda forgot to mention complete lack of end game content. It doesnt matter if they made classes perfect, end everyone geared up with artifacts and rank 10 enchants when you have nothing to do with it except looking pretty Though I agree on everything else said :), nice post
  • Or just adding hard mode to already exsisting dungeons would solve the problem for now
  • Will be so funny when some1 gets a belt, and due to the bug ends up with nothing. Your rage and Chinese wall would be the only 2 things visible from space with a naked eye :D
  • I know I`m being unreasonable here, but how about ... now bare with me, this will shock you..... we fix guardian fighter ability to actually guard ? And than we start working on the rest