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  • I agree. In fact a good fix would be to not only make this skill absorb damage, but also threat. If you are able to keep up a threat stealing aoe for 10/12 seconds, during astral shield or whatever, then that should greatly enhance the guardians ability to keep mobs off the DC.
  • Thanks Dez, course its not just the block but the whole agro system and ways for guardians to hold it, but yeah that block would be a nice start ;) This post and all comments brought to you by the "We Want A Meat Shield To Stand Behind" foundation
  • 4 or 5 normal tenebrous slotting itis then! I think 20 percent is a nice round number, and with that plaguefire should make stuff pop all the time :) thanks!
  • omfg laughed so hard, but its so true!!!! "If you could have spoken with your cleric right before she died, what would your last words to her have been?" .....RUN B#$CH RUN!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The Feast of The Moon and the Reign of Misrule. And thanks for actually posting the info on this as I"m sure alot of people just posted previous answers for a chance to win instead of actually reading up on the lore. Makes me wish there were quests in the game that actually made you read lore to answer correctly to…
  • ...ummm no this was a compliment to some of the girls that play the game. i dont care who you are. and it was mainly something to be off the topic of OMG THE WORLD HAS ENDED BY EXPLOIT. not everyone is as cynical or jaded as you.
  • Originally Posted by d33j View Post TESO your wasting your time playing it tbh. Seen the gameplay on it? Pretty much skyrim bro only difference is your playing it with friends really. Watch gameplay videos. Not worth the subscription nor hours of life. Sorry to break it to you but its true. You will probally hate reading…
  • 630pm and just getting off work and servers still gonna be down probably all night. Do I A: go back to work now and knock out stuff that I put off till tomorrow and get off early tommorow or b: stay home, wait for servers to come up and play some metro last light while waiting.
  • I could post a pic of my ex, who used to play wow, but now its not even half orc, more like 75/25 on the non human side. Also, she had to stop raiding in WotLK with us, we couldn't get the Wrath Gate open wide enough to get her in.
  • lol love the pic, that episode where she had her new army kill the masters was like OMGWTFHELLYEAHYOUGOGIRL
  • 60 percent of voters ask for wipe, and the people that voted for rollback I 'think' but cant be absolutely sure, were hoping for something more than 7 hours as we know that will still leave alot of people with billions of AD still in their mule/alt banks. Wait, didnt something happen like this before? oh yeah, SWG Wait,…
  • Hi, we're sorry to inform you that the COMMUNITY VOTED ON AND ASKED FOR WIPE will not occur in order to keep zen at a high price on the AD exchange thanks to all the 1shot kill farmers and players that have been using the ah exploit for longer then just the last few days. Due to zen being at a high AD cost we recommend you…
  • WHAT!?!?!??! The zombie apocalypse ISN"T TOMORROW?!?!?! .....son of a... I knew I should have waited till the price dropped before buying all that shotgun ammo. WTS 1000x 5pack rounds of 12ga buckshot, will trade for AD or rare tailoring items, pst.
  • Cheaters want a wipe? Really OP? I"m trying to figure out how in the world that makes sense. The ones that DONT want the wipe are the ones that A: dont care about/arent affected by the economy and are playing for fun only and have no plans to do t2 dd's or raiding if that ever comes out or B: have already gained a bunch of…
  • We tried terraforming. The company set us down on the wrong planet. The alien exploiters came out at night, mostly. Take off, nuke the site from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.
  • ....really? did you even read the post? it was simply about how to legitimately earn money through crafting! .....idiot
  • 1. OMG an admin saw the poll. 2. OMG an admin saw the poll and it isnt locked yet!
  • Between the Tank One Shot Everything in Castle Never loot train, the Pirate King FarmFest, and now this AH exploit, I can only say this. I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
  • I know it has been happening on dragon server for a while now. kept seeing -time and -bids on many crafting/profession items. Someone in my guild complained that he only got 1 ad for an uncommon tailor he swore he put up for 50k etc etc. It's been going on for a while but people were more interested in the Guardian 1shot…
  • darn right you are! WIPE THE PLANET!
  • how in the world has your poll not been locked yet? mine was exactly the same thing posted 30 minutes ago and it got locked in 2 minutes