This is the recent development that blows my mind. This isn't the Walking Dead. Intentionally diverting from the source material is not going to be welcom here.
Flames of Empowerment without a doubt. It is not worth wasting a feature on 200 arp, when a single gem can give you 185. Hitting 24% is not difficult. Take the damage boost.
this is what you do: Offensive stats 1. Reach 24% resistance ignored first. This is a combination of RI gained from your Intelligence score, as well as armor penetration. For example, if you have 15 INT, you will need roughly 1800 Arp. 2. Reach 3500 crit. This is hard cap. Don't go any higher. 3. Stack power Defensive:…
this is not opinion it is fact. Hellfire proc is one of the largest portions of your ovreall DPS. there is nothing better for a SW in mod 5. mod 6 we lose hellfire. yay.
have you studied what is going to happen to us in september? absolutely not a buff. we are going to get f'd in the a. if we get a buff it might be in mod 7 or later. but 6 is going to make fury and temptation useless, and the only reason damnation is good is because of a bug that makes the soul puppet to insane amounts of…
you gave absolutely no advice here. maybe instead of just complaining, you could add some insight gained through experience which may help this player adapt the the admittedly crappy changes coming his way.
i find this hard to believe looking at all the mythic gear. however i've only been playing for like 6 months, so i'm not sure how much easier RP was to come by in earlier mods.
> @strumslinger said: > Submissions are closed for this week! We're watching all the ones that have been submitted over the weekend. We'll announce a winner soon! Thank you to everyone who submitted and made this contest a success. dammit. i hope my tweet made it in in time.