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  • Can't I just paint bows made out of swords that shoot panther cubs at your foes? We'll call it the Archerest Ranger. Boom. Donezo.
  • That's awesome to hear, you guys. =) Thank you for posting. Though I'm about as far removed from the launch part of the development process as one can be, it's both heartwarming and reassuring to see those efforts recognized.
  • This thread made its way around the office this morning, and I wanted to say thank you for sharing it as well. =) As a long time MMO player, former WoW addict, and lifelong D&D fan it was a nice read. As a developer, it was an absolute joy. Wait... who let Avery on the forums?
  • If we get bard, I'm designing D&D versions of Lady Gaga costumes for all of the armor sets. Just try and stop me, Squez.
  • I'd help out, but I'm really only qualified to answer questions directly related to the painting of elf babes.
  • We have a Meet The Developers thread? Why doesn't anybody tell me about these things? Is it because of my odor? I take showers, I swear...
  • A lot of these are things I can't really answer. Largely because (and I use this line all the time at work), "I just draw things." We also have an awesome marketing team who have their own plans to introduce a lot of information about the game through articles like the recent ones for Ebon Downs. They know about a billion…
  • I checked in on this, and thankfully there are controls to adjust a lot of effects, so this shouldn't blind anybody. Unless they want it to, in which case you can crank that bloom to max and go to town on some bad guys.
  • IT'S A TR- Okay, I'll stop there. That's the plan! =) Spirals and I will be chiming in on a lot of the future news posts with bits and pieces of info about the development process. It's something we're really excited to be able to do, and we're definitely looking forward to doing more of them. We owe Stormshade a huge…
  • Thanks for catching that! I'll ask Stormshade to edit it. We're all dyslexic over here.
  • I doubt they have to do too much synthesizing to make me sound like a monster. Shrieking is just something I do around the office on a day to day basis. We'll see about getting a before and after of the sound effects for you. It really is a crazy process. I've always been the type of person who kept their sound volumes up…