Please answer the question about companion gear. Will it move to professions or some other in-game source? If not, it once again kicks new players in the gut, while the long-term, super-rich players will still be able to afford it (or already have it). If you want to attract new players to the game and retain them, this…
oh my actually read something i posted about? Well of Dragons now appears after Dread Ring in the campaign list. Thank you...from all the new players in my guild who were getting their faces stomped.
Actually, the gilded giant spider also has wanderer's fortune. If you already have an epic (110% speed) mount or better, get the spider. If not that, then VIP. Otherwise, i'd just sell it for AD
Good choice. and your TR will DEFINITELY benefit from crit, especially once you (easily) get your arpen up to 60% RI. My main is TR and i went with the Howler because i needed will too :p
My question is...where on live do you get the pants/shirt? they aren't in the campaign store. On preview they just gave them to you for free for testing, but i'm not seeing where you get them on live.
the point being, the collections window is wrong: boots and chest should be listed under tradebar store, head and gloves from zen market. currently, head and boots are switched
um, i might be blind, but according to the collections window, the zen store is supposed to have the Frostborn gloves and boots, and the Trade bar store should have the Frostborn head and chest. except the trade bar store has the boots and chest, the zen store has the gloves...and the head is nowhere to be found?
yeah, don't follow the chronicle campaign window, it's confusing and laid out in a weird order. what's been posted above is generally the way to do it. There's even a point in the dread ring campaign (after 3 boons, i believe) where it pops open a tooltip that says you're now powerful enough to try IWD. I tell all my fresh…
Here's something that's been bugging me since the Sword Coast Chronicle came out...the campaigns are in a confusing order. For this release, why does it appear that the Storm King's Thunder campaign is lower (in level/order/difficulty/whatever it's supposed to represent) than Icewind Dale? I'm talking about the initial…
I am also having this issue. I opened my daily VIP box, and got the Regal Stronghold Pack. inside were a Major Treasures of Tyranny Voucher, a Major Surplus Equipment voucher, and a Major astral diamonds voucher. I was able to donate the Treasures of Tyranny Voucher as normal, but the other two do not show up on the drop…
How about adding those influence vouchers that dropped during the siege event to other places? Even if it's just to other special events like CTAs, it would help a ton. Or have them drop in the same dungeon as the stronghold daily, so you have even more incentive to run those dungeons. The siege event was awesome and…
I can see two solutions that make sense based on human nature. 1. make all the bonuses equal for all ranks of guilds, or 2. do what someone suggested above, and provide a bonus to the coffers of lower guilds when a higher guild donates to their own coffer. For example, if someone donates 1000 of something to the helm…
I wish i could make chat macros. If I had 10 AD for every time i typed in /say "don't kill the zythar!", I'd be at 4k ilevel by now. If some moron comes to try to "help", i usually will just try to kite a shadow demon far away from said moron instead. smh
hmm, guess I should amend my about "second best in slot"? LOL, i'm in a small guild that's basically a family, and really don't have realistic access to the dragonflight gear.
Yeah, Your anvilbreakers map is stunning...felt like i was in skyrim or somewhere in lord of the rings. Really nice job. I think you can skip the first "talk to the messenger boy" thing, it breaks the immersion, and I am pretty sure most players understand the dialogue mechanics. I think just having the quest accept/first…
You can make macros and keybinds that will do multiple actions, and/or keybind pretty much anything you want. For example, I have a key that drops me into stealth then uses lurker's assault...and that's a very simple one. this is a guide for star trek online, but the basics are the exact same. the tray commands are…
Cute, I liked it. I just noticed one spelling error, when you're speaking to Returned Tubby Tom at the end, you left an i out of "acquaintances". Also, on the "end dialogue and mobs jump you" spots, you might want to move the encounter back away from the NPC a bit, just so the mobs don't have instant combat advantage on…
Sounds fun, I'll run that after I cook my dinner (which has no pie involved, unfortunately). Would appreciate a run through mine if you get the's also a daily-type thing, slightly silly...
I would love for there to be a way to collaborate on campaigns/quests. I understand there are issues with the tipping and achievements, etc, but as someone who doesn't have much of a visually creative bone in her body, being able to write quest content while someone else designs the levels and environments would absolutely…
Thanks. Maps were cryptic-made. Where my strength is writing/story development, my definite weakness is environment/level design. Some of the foundries I've run with custom maps are so well done, they make me absolutely sick at my own inadequacies in that area. One of my dreams for the foundry is that they add a way to…