The most serious problem with the new queue implementation is it still doesn't display the accept / decline box for hundreds of users. If you are in a partial public queue (any queue content) and the match pops, nothing is displayed and after the hidden dialog box timesout, these affected users are tossed from the queue -…
These notes are wrong, and it is very disappointing to see claims that something is fixed when the problem is still present for hundreds of users. HELLO!!, the biggest issue is the map accept dialog for public solo queuers (the box where you click to transfer to the queue content when a match is ready) isn't displayed and…
This is a way to target those elements you didn't want in the first place. Why this news wasn't part of the original leadership AD nuke means it is probably the result of player hate spam or was a reaction to a poor decision. Currency whales kept most of their assets in GMoP for easy intra-account transfer. They just took…
Imagine yourself exposed to this virtual environment almost 2 years ago. A vast task in front of you, to better yourself, the hills you must climb and the battles you must fight. You are given a tool, those leadership serfs to help better yourself and your virtual fiefdom. You expand - better serfs and your own armor to…
Finding 4 other players to team with is hard enough, do I now need to find 19 other online players to pvp? - and must they all be in my guild to PvP? Will it/could it be possible to enjoy this new PvP addition without being in a guild or as a small guild (less than 20)?