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  • Although it's a pain, Alt-tabbing out to google translate to change messages around might give you more freedom than game-specific messages ever would.
  • Hey realbo, can you tell me what fullscreen resolution you're running and if you've changed the UI scale to anything but 1.0 in the options menu? I'll take a look at it when I'm back in the office. Thanks
  • Yeah, we totally disabled the HTML in the character backgrounds. We found that most people didn't think to use the HTML-style tags to format their text, and they were frustrated by the "normal" line breaks and white space being removed. So, to help most of the users (who will never find this kick-*** post, alas) we went…
  • Sounds a lot like the bug with missing NPC dialog and chest contents. See the explanation here: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?375322-Rhix-bugged-after-patch&p=4764841&viewfull=1#post4764841 Any chance your Windows keyboard is set to something other than English US?
  • Mewbrey, it sounds a lot like the bug with missing chest/NPC dialog options. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?375322-Rhix-bugged-after-patch&p=4764841&viewfull=1#post4764841 Any chance your Windows keyboard is set to something other than US English?
  • That's probably related. All the chests at the end of dungeons use the same UI as talking to NPCs (it just looks different). I expect this to fix the end chest too.
  • Hey folks, we're pretty sure we have the problem worked out. Yes, it has to do with keyboard locales in Windows. People who don't have the ENG-US keyboard format installed on their computer would have missing dialog choices. There's a fix in the works, but I don't have an ETA on it. Thank you all for helping us trackdown…
  • To the people who have experienced this issue- When you see a contact dialog with a blank dialog window, are ALL contacts this way? That is, if Rhix has blank dialog, does every quest-giver also have blank dialog? We're trying to isolate the issue to certain broken contacts, or the client being in a broken state. Thanks
  • Can you tell me what language your client is set to? (German, French, English) And what keyboard layout you're using? (QWERTY, AZERTY, QWERTZ?) It's supposed to pick your default keybindings based on your language.