from the FAQ: Yes, I realize it says champions and star trek, not neverwinter. If you try it with neverwinter website it won't show the option. Follow these instructions exactly as stated even if you don't play those games and you will get to the account guard management page where you can disable it. I tried it - it works.
My main is CW as well. I must admit I've personally experienced a large number of these myself. These really make a large amount of CW feats and powers useless. It's extremely frustrating to spend hours deciding how to maximize your skills, spend a large chunk of AD to respec only to find out that the main skills you were…
They have "bugs" of a different nature - you know, like the one where they are totally invincible: they are "immune" to ALL attacks. There's a bunch of posts about it (PVP Exploit or similar as title). But yeah, the rogue "bugs" give them an advantage, not the other way around, lol.
So far I've only seen it reported about pvp, but if this makes them able to avoid all damage, who's to say it isn't being exploited to farm dungeons as well? If there ever was an exploit that needed immediate attention, this is it.
What? CON is defensive, ARP is offensive. CON reduces the effects of ARP being used on you. It does not affect your ARP values in any way. How does having a resistance to ARP lower your need for ARP on your attacks?
On skirmishes, you're out of luck until / unless some changes are made. For dungeons you can still enter manually at 60 - travel to the zone for the dungeon, hoof it to the dungeons entrance and enter. I've done a number of dungeons at 60 this way. Solo'd every one up to and including mad dragon, then duo'd Idris with a…
I posted earlier and also submitted a bug report but haven't received any response. NONE of the campfires in Rothe Valley give the mending wounds effect (since latest patch, not sure about before) - this includes any single player instances that the quest line takes you through. Was a very annoying map for that reason.
How many replies does it take before a dev/admin acknowledges a serious issue? I think it's about 20 replies in a single thread. Just need 8 or so more....
Sorry to disappoint, but this is not a bug - this is by design. You can do all the tasks with assistant platesmith - he is a rank 3 person for the profession. The green through purple people assets are only obtainable from special profession packs as a rare chance. (Or by auction house, of course) This is obviously…
Well, I searched the forums after posting and found some threads discussing it. There is at least some empirical evidence to support the conclusion that it does, in fact, give a flat damage increase - that 3 ranks is equal to 6 strength points. Of course, not all people came to the same conclusion, but interestingly even…
I actually read (or at least skimmed) every single post in this thread and noone mentioned anything about this that I could find. Are you 100% sure this is how this feat works? I just rolled a GWF as an alt to play around with and I decided to put my first feat point at lvl 10 into this to test. When hovering over my…
Both of the reported bugs - I noticed my history was gone after the change to the separate tab - and then I re-wrote it, only to find it gone again the next day... *sigh*
This bug bit me today as well - same thing using gateway and also in-game and it doesn't matter how I set the filters - nothing shows except rare tasks which essentially means I can't work on any professions until this gets fixed or resolves itself...
I have noticed this on some neck items as well - I thought it was if one is a cloak and one is an amulet, they aren't same type. If that doesn't apply in your case, there may be other factors too.
I feel your pain. A couple of things to note, however. I don't know the odds, but most of the time when there are lottery type packages available in cash shop they typically have a large chance for a low end reward and a small chance for the big payoff, so the fact that you rolled the lowest of the possibilities is…