If they introduce more artifact equipment without overhauling refining that is a deal breaker for me and I am sure many other people. By increasing level cap you make all the work we put into our characters (and existing artifacts) obsolete, so if more is added without refinement being changed we really have no reason to…
I am sorry, as well thought out as it is I do not support this idea. It would only encourage selfish play, rather than teamwork. If you could somehow ensure that that would not be the case I am listening :p
I got a blue mark of union out of one of the dread ring lairs too. So that leads to the conclusion that any tradeskill node can drop them, just not often.
Yes I wouldn't say it is BiS either. As the above poster said it has the same amount of stats as other artifacts, the use is something different at least though :)
Use powers that summon one such as killing flames or accursed souls. The alternative is to spec damnation which gives you a permanent soul puppet and buffs for it, but sadly that spec severely underperforms in pve. My guess is you swapped killing flames out for a different power, as you start with killing flames.
The greed rule makes sense. There is a box at the end of every dungeon which is YOUR loot. Drops from bosses are the PARTY's loot. You can gear up entirely from the chest at the end, so therefore needing on boss drops is actually just being greedy and saying that your time is worth more than the other 4 peoples. That said,…
Yes I do not get what the big deal is. You will need seedlings later anyway - 9 to be exact. And if you have more well big deal. Not like its hard to remember which currency is from which area - seedlings from area 1, charms from area 2, blades from area 3. At ;east now they wont take up space in your limited currency bag…
The cap MAY be there so people cant trade a huge amount of prefarmed coins for linus favour and get the artifact offhand/whatever as soon as that turn in quest gos live. Thats about the only reason I can think of - but its probably far more likely its just an arbitrary amount they decided on.
This has been happening for quite a while, and yet cryptic blithely ignore it. Used to be the same with skirmishes, but I think they changed it to a vote kick (not sure, do not do a lot of skirms :p ) Worst part is the 30 minute penalty all because some child decided to troll you xD
I still throw 30 - 60k plus heals easily.- 21% lifesteal, 23% incoming heal bonus, endless consumption. I do not feel nerfed at all. Added to which I am also usually top DPS too especially in elol and VT xD
Yes I often think the belts etc are more of a booby prize. Its like yay I got a belt, but now I have to spend 640$ (blood ruby cost) to refine it to legendary. Or would if I didn't buy a ton of cheap RP. They want everyone using bloody rubies to refine artifact gear imo. Or perhaps I am just cynical.
Some rubberbanding is normal, esp with powers like threatening rush or similar. But you say that restarting modem fixed it? Could be a modem issue you need to provide more info, such as a traceroute to cryptic. This thread has a lot more info.…
It will not shot up on the lifesteal stat. You need to look for "Damage gained as hit points" stat, that will show the boons bonus. It works the same way for SW aura and HR bonus lifesteal feats too.
It pretty simple really. It only works on attacks they make against you. It has no ICD. So, they hit you for whatever dmg and 10% gets reflected. On the 4th reflected hit it will do a 30% reflect. For eg, you get hit for 1k on the 4th hit, it will reflect 3k damage back. Its quite funny using it on val, as when she does…
For pvp skills only, not across the board. If that is the case why wasn't the cws dmg reduced on the skills that received faster casts? Last I checked cw also had very high dps as well. And I agree on the immunity frames part.
I agree w posts in this thread from other sw. We desperately need faster casts on our main pvp skills and a real dodge so we don't eat most damage aimed at us. And the moment we stop sprinting is when we get cced to death. Sprint is fine for gwf as they have unstoppable as well. We do not. Which is why I don't bother to…
Getting an artifact cape/belt/whatever is just the beginning. You will still need 4.7mill RP to make it legendary, or just 640$ of blood rubys per item :p
The hand is for showing your pets active bonus' that are applying to you. Nothing more, nothing less. All boons you get are shown in the appropate section of stats as features, if you mouse over the appropriate category apart from hp for whatever reason. To further illustrate what I mean I did this for you As you can see…
Works for me. It does come up with some weird redirect ( {"status":"success","data":{"redirect":"http:\/\/www.arcgames.com\/en\/"}}) after logging in but hitting back will take you to the page where you can submit tickets. For the record, I use firefox 33.1