that is not true,there is a way to revert back to the previous dashboard,you need a 2gb flash drive and contact xbox support so they can give you a link for the file you need to upload and instructions on how to revert out of the new dashboard without losing anything
change my gear and still getting one shot,doesnt help they nerf the hell out of the hr too,just not feeling mod 6 so get better gear its going to take so long that i just dont have that kind of time.
to answer why this is just as much xbox problem as it is arc,we pay a subscription to xbox live,neverwinter is a game that you can only get by downloading from xbox live if you have a active paid account.our voices dont get heard here and if you contact xbox they play the blame game.they allow for a game to be broken and…
actually xbox is just as much to blame as arc is,if you contact xbox they will just say its not up to them to keep up with game issues.there is a way to fix this problem,but if i say i will more than likely be banned due to how this company handles any negative info about there games.
ive been trying to do the mini quest for today and it freezes in the same place everytime,since this last update the freezing has been worst than ever before,just bad coding