you still missed that 'mrimsogood' proposed that the 10% chance should be removed, that the ring should just proc for all classes every 5 secs (likely automatically triggered or by the usage of one power within 5 second) ...
the MMO Website is not a reliable source. The results make no sense. the Steam Chart is much more reliable, because it fits much more consistent to other indicators. And it makes more sense to extrapolate that than believing into the rather obscure 'measurement' of the MMO Site. And (since the lack of getting all…
The RTQ and RADQ is now basically dead which means 'daily AD mass income' is significant reduced which means more people are leaving the game which means the remaining smaller player base with less income will spend less AD in the AH which means EVERYONE (not just new players!) will have less AD income (players who buy now…
There ARE new lag-problems for many which are also confirmed by Cryptics: There is also a patchnote about a try to fix that - not successful for many:…
Not a bug but a suck: The B/HE mobs spam to much 'optional quests' on the ground which disturb due to the many pickup requesters the entire battle experience ...
I don't agree. Dungeons should be for a party (kind of default) AND for any other combination down to soloing. This gives more experienced, progressed or just curious players some additional challenge and the different showcases of how different classes solve the content creates more depth and inspiration. Just limiting it…
and the 'breast' for the 'Scavenger's Robes' (drop from the Terminus HEs/Undermountain or from the 'Slime-covered Gear pack' (campaign store/<76 chars only)) which (still) give 10 stacks of power ...
That's correct. And in fact in the past Oppressive Force was a kind of 'unlimited'. Later, as part of an homogenization process, they introduced 15 as it seems general internal limit for all classes. One can see this number also often in gear bonuses if mobs are involved.
the 'demon' boon got a nerf (its now just 'fiends'). my first impression is that chars which used them got a reset. but there might be other changes/reasons as well.