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  • I really don't understand this. I easily levelled my GWF and have no trouble with any of the level 60 solo quests. Of course, I have a female half-orc GWF, not one of those weak boys.
  • Because I'm always a little slow, I created my first GF yesterday, shortly before the Mod 6 paladin announcement. He's a shorter, fatter version of myself. He had the same confused expression on this face while repeatedly dying in PvP earlier today.
  • I'd totally purchase a reasonably priced visual disabling tool as well as some more costume/fashion resources and tools. As I understand it, Neverwinter is a cousin of Champions Online which has a bazillion costume options and resources, so I would think enhancing the costume options in Neverwinter would be doable.
  • Absolute, total agreement here. The idea that level 60 is the "real game" and the leveling process is some sort of "tutorial" is really messed up. It's too easy to level too quickly. To the degree that Neverwinter Online has anything to do with D&D, it should be about the journey to higher levels not a race to the very top.
  • I tried Punishing Charge for a bit but I had trouble judging my distance to bad guys. I either came up short or went all the through and past, and then I had to run back to them. I'll give it another shot however.
  • Thanks much for such a complete and rapid response. I haven't seen much positive about Battle Fury, so I haven't paid much attention to it.
  • The punchline is that I've come to dislike it's looks and now run it on minimum visibility. I do like the three ring slots. Candi has a cadre of busy jewelers, and I hope some day to put some personalized rings in the black dragon's stone's slots. I tried that earlier today in the Cult Prison, and it did work well.…
  • I'm actually having great fun with my half-orc GWF, Candi Payne. She's a high crit PVE build based upon Lazalia and Lia's very nice guides. Candi is my third 60th level character, the first two being a CW and a SW. Maybe it's just my simple mind and aged eye-hand coordination, but I find a GWF is much easier to play than…
  • Candi Payne Avatar of War -> Marauder's Garb, Boots of Far Striding, and some cheapo common level 10 set of bracers Emperor's Mail Shirt and Pants Twined Rope of Dexterity -> Corsair's Sash Greatsword of Aryvandaar (which is a totally non-functional design but does look cool) The standard starting "underwear" actually…