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What is the Arc Client?
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  • From some bits i've seen they usually just say Neverwinter, nothing else :s
  • I think P2P is now a thing of the past. There was a short era where it was the right thing but now I'm not so sure. i'd rather play a game that isn't P2P, and spend a few bob in the cash shop every now and then instead of constantly paying every month just to get access.
  • Awesome post. It's always nice to have somewhere to go to just to re-cap on information. It's also good to link to people who don't know anything about the game so they can get a quick re-cap.
  • Don't mean to be off-topic but has there been any news on when abouts the beta will be?
  • I've always enjoyed both solo play and group play. I enjoy solo play because I can just worry about myself and do things how I want to do them. there's no need to keep an eye out for other players and make sure everybody is doing what they're supposed to be doing. You can sit back, relax and go at your own pace and do your…
  • Go out the country for a few days with no internet and miss out on pre-order beta access. GAH. Going to sit in the corner and cry tonight!