While waiting for NWN I figured I would give the world of spy,magic and mayhem a try and also to see FunCom got better.
It seems intriguing (for now at least) so if anyone is interested in seeing a video from the soon to be released title click
here and
Spiritual successor. Don't worry so much about it. Call it LKT37 if you want. You know what he meant by NWN, and if it's technically wrong, who're they hurting?
The idea of MMO meets X-files intrigues me. However! We've all read previews and seen trailers for games "that rewrite the tired fetch 'n turn-in quests in new and unique ways!" Changing the kill-12-then-come-back-for-reward dynamic is one of TSW's selling points. If they're going to try changing the mission log to something innovative and promote that into one of their big things, they need to solidly reinvent the concept. I remember hearing The Old Republic claimed the same, and though I haven't played it, my friends tell me it's pretty much WoW in space.
Grinding fetch quests is a quick and efficient way to get a character up to doing better things, so everyone has them. If TSW doesn't, it needs something either more efficient or more fun to do in the meantime. I guess that's hard to invent, cause everyone uses fetch quests. Maybe it's easier if you also don't have levels or classes.
Spiritual successor? So now NWO is spiritual successor of NWNs cause its in Neverwinter?
NWO=Neverwinter Online
NWN=Neverwinter Nights
And my graphics card apparently is not good enough for TSW so as much as it seems interesting (pricing scheme being left out of the equation), I pass. Not buying a new one for a game... hear that Cryptic? Make NW so it works with my GeForce 8500 GT. XD
no movement phsyics, everyone strafes and turns on the dime.
weapons and guns floating on your back like in Age of Conan
Game play very similar to Star Wars Knights of the Old republic online game
Fresh game... and that's it.