Soloing, TR damage is relatively poor for a supposed DPS class, and my CW (without the bubble) tanks better than my TR. We have to use stealth in PVE. I still PVE but I'm not specced for Perma. My CW still facerolls mob groups that are a life-or-death struggle for my TR. But you were replying to someone speaking…
Stealth is the only thing we have left. People whined and the Devs listened, repeatedly nerfing the TR class over and over into the 'hide or die' class it is today. If you want perma gone too, we need our damage back. You can't just have us as free-kill target dummies. Hiding is not what I signed up for when I rolled this…
I'm using the gateway but can't get into the game. I'm going to guess that people can't LOGIN to the gateway, but mine was still connected from hours ago.
The coupon is normal, they were put in some weeks (a couple months?) back but they are very rare drops. As far as I know, they are not connected to the lockbox event.
I notice mention of leveling alchemy on more than one char... is there any advantage to doing so? I leveled it on one char a long time ago and never used it again.
Pretty sure it was 12.something in the morning when I was doing the last of my grommet-slaughtering, so dropping to 6 between then and maintenance time would have been a miracle.
Not a direct reply to you, but for the ones who keep saying you can get all your coal wards from boxes... is what everyone does? Make 20 chars to farm enough coal wards to equip one char? Is that how 'easy' is it? I only have 6 (one for each class) and that's already too many for my daily patience... and I haven't seen a…
Having finally achieved rank 7 due to saying eff it and buying blueprints, I was rewarded with... a special profession pack and a rank 5. (Rank 5 to 7 is like what 3/4ths of the points?) Yeah that was worth it. Expensive and/or boring as hell event with expensive but lousy rewards. I can't think of a Neverwinter event that…
Yeah, it's always been like that, as far as I know. I think they claimed to have fixed it at some point but all they apparently did was reset the deaths to start piling up again.
Well, never mind. Apparently every time I zone (and it downloads mini patches) is a brand new opportunity for a BSOD... which occurred. So apparently it's either the patch process or my client has, over the course of a few hours while I slept, become completely riddled with corrupted files the verification process cannot…
Another Update: 4 BSODs now... on the final one I decided to try something I saw in an old post and delete the patch folder. This was an improvement because it actually BEGAN patching and even made it to 15% before it BSOD'd. Final Update: Another forced verify after deleting the patch folder allowed it to correct the…
Never mind, I guessed at which hogg file was the problem and deleted it. Once it patched in a new one, all was working again. I guess the verify doesn't detect corrupted files. *scratches head*
Yeah, using the reply button just sends account wide... cause I'm hitting reply on an account wide mail anyway. It's just a shortcut so you don't have to type the handle over and over again and risk a misspelling. I'd already checked the gateway, they don't show up there either. Not then, not now. I've won actions on that…
I really don't have enough inventory space to empty it out entirely. :/ I've been playing the game since live and this is the first time I've had this problem, so I've been pretty comfortable with the mail system (plus my other char was in a zone with a mailbox but no bank at the time.) I deleted as much as I could, I have…