Being honest I walked away [due to various factors] back in November last year after a solid five years of playing. I still visit the forums in the hope that things would get better... I miss the camaraderie of my guild/alliance and some content. But the majority of it felt like having a part-time job, unpaid, road testign…
Tbh I stopped playing NW a few months ago kind of because of the same reason, or at least very similar reasons. Permanent grind, RNG and all for what? Its a constant power creep and playing NW feels like a part-time job which became a chore with no real perks or wages. I look back on my years here with great fondness, NW…
Thats only really relevant to certain content. Most Random Skirmishes [apart from the occasional Illusionist Gambit, Merchants Folly or Many Coins Bank] are very easy to complete - but some ToDG and PoM are just so long people quit. If I get MF or MCB I quit immediately and go read a book. Same with most random Dungeons,…
Yes you can play solo. Yes you can catch up pretty fast, except for levelling enchants which takes a lot of grind. Yes you can still play casually and get a lot of enjoyment. No you dont need to pay any money to play this game and enjoy it. ONE caveat though, the newer module revolve quite a bit around heroic encounters…
Tbh Just update the loot tables and make randoms more rewarding. Just tweak up the rewards and people are less likely to leave, more likely to stay and complete whatever it is.
Yes they do that. Its insane, but BiS companions come and go all the time. Its why veteran players don't tend to worry too much about the BiS companion, they know it will be nerfed at some point. But I guess during the sweet spot of time that your companion is BiS its good for you :)
I agree totally. Its ridiculous. I dont mind if someone pays real life money for an advantage so be it! But when they pay for something and then it gets nerfed... man that xsucksx Also if you havesaved your AD for months to buy that elusive companion... and it gets nerfed... man that xsucksx
Beware what you say or ask here peoples ;) Whenever these discussions come up about which comp/mount is BiS I worry that there's going to be a big fat NERF to the leading companion. Xuna used to destroy stuff big time and everyone ran with Xuna then Xuna got nerfed big time...
That is just ridiculous - on a 98% chance of success failure should be really rare. Full stop. And yep this kind of thing is why I havent crafted in years. I loved the system, but the fail rate was madness.
Interesting. occasionally I notice that things seem "harder" than the day before. I check my comps, mount equipment etc and theres no change to any of that. BUT it just *seems* harder. I logged into Menzo for example yesterday and got absolutely mirked on my barbie a few times. Even relatively easy to clear mob groups just…
There are lots of relevant points being made here in this thread. [Being positive] Our Alliance runs all sorts of stuff, but not really "proper" endgame. I dont think I have ever run Castle Ravencroft or Tower of the Mad Mage, MTos or the brand new one for example. Do I care? Not really I can still enjoy what I enjoy and…
Yep I said it in my post above, some areas of Narbo have two or three groups of mobs close together which makes it a bit lethal at times. Reminds me of early days in Soshenstar River area where the groups of mobs could be very nasty. Admittedly it does make for a challenge rather than rollign your face across the keyboard…
Hmm Fairly dull quests, fairly dull location, some mob groups hit HARD and with 6 or even 7 mobs in a group it can get tough. its also quite densely packed with mobs in some areas and you can end up fighting 2 mob groups at once which is kinda lethal. More reliance on running or being in a train... thats a bit tedious…
I dont tend to run RADQ very often, if at all as they are so long, and a bit boring up to the final boss fight. And it all hinges on that. But yep woudl love to see more in RADQ so thumbs up from me on your idea. RTQ, yep, add in Zariel for some difference. Ive been sayign that since Zariel came out.
Its a sad state of affairs when the meta rules all [a bit like the One Ring...] This is pretty much the reason I haven't run "end game" in MMOs for years, too much pressure and too much emphasis on completion of end game stuff regardless of fun, excitement, enjoyment. I worked for an MMO for quite a few years, and its all…
There are a couple of recent new chat channels where its so much easier to find a decent group to run nearly all content sucessfully. Its happening already. Its the rule of MMOs, when pugging becomes risky, players take it on themselves to find a solution. Example; I occasionally Pug as tank or heal [the quickest way to…
Agree. The skirmish is harder, takes longer and requires some teamwork, so pugged 2 last night and each took at least 12 minutes. And it wasnt much fun really. Not enjoyable at all.
Tbh there does need to be a dramatic increase in Mount Insignia drops with three toons, 5 mounts x 3 insignia [oh and now we have 4 insignia mounts wt actual f?] = 3 x 15 = 45 insignia to upgrade in theory... assuming they were all orange, thats one upgrade x 45... if they were purple = 2 upgrades x 45... I really havent…
I do feel sympathy here - its not even so much the AD though it the other items needed, especially the stuff from Driders and mini-bosses - major pain. And with the zone probably with five weeks left with active players... after that how rare will a Drider train be?
Nice post. I dont agree fully but very much stuff there of interest. My take on mechanics is there needs to be a logical way to avoid bad consequences - i.e. dragging cubes to corners to glue them up in CoDG. of course once this mechanic is known its very easy to do in a co-ordinated group. Also the push pull in CoDG is…