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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • Calimport,Memnom and Almraiven good luck to all others :D
  • so how do i turnn off ? i put everything that i can use apllication settings but i dont see how to turn them off do i need to press again on the green one so the both will have empty inside ?
  • i dint try updating and AAA i dont no how to turn it off and Jn2002 i can select fullscreen i will try that and thx for the link Ps.. i try fullscrean and i lower resoultion now it when it freaze up it not 2 or 1 sec now its less than 1 sec sooo yea thx jn2002 at list now it wont boder me :D when playing
  • mine is put full screen window and thats why i cnat put it on lower resolution and klixan I EVEN DONE that and still its freazing up
  • oh yes i did first i put it on medium it work fine when i saw the freazing up i instantly put everything that was possible to low and still works fine but freaze up
  • well the games that i play form perfect world are forsaken works fine , champion online hmmm well it works i guess fine perfect world the game works fine blacklight retribution dosent work i mean i can play it but onley 5 min than it closes by it self because of the grafick card i think and riderz well it was a litly bit…
  • oh and yea pvp same thing and same exaple at the map were is like stairs and when ever i move on some posision it will freaze up like when i need to fall from my spawining place it will freaze up always and stuff like that but when fighiting onley when i move on some posision were it will freaze up :(
  • its 32bit and the freazing up happens every time i move at some ordenery point lets say protector enclave if you stand there at maybe guild register or whats the name and i move down the stairs i wont see the building that are a litly bit far from stairs but when i get down than it freaze up and than shows up the buildings…
  • oh my qulaity is alllllllll LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW becuase i tauht that frozen thing is because of my pc .. know that i think its not onley me i will still play alll low antil its fixen or i buy much more stronger pc :3
  • Yeaaa and that it frozens pass 3 or 2 sec and than some how somtingh pulls me back for a eanch or couple feet back