I am honestly pleasantly surprised that everything seems stabilized. I hope that means they got most of the exploited AD out of the economy. Also, any increase in the money supply appears to be somewhat offset by the glut of level 60 epics. The OP asked for an explanation of what could be happening, and I gave a possible…
After people have so much Zen, what is the point of buying more? If I had hundreds of millions of AD hoarded, and had already traded for thousands of dollars of Zen, why would I keep selling it for Zen right now? Some people will be afraid to draw attention to themselves right now by making large transactions, some will…
Did you buy that Zen, or trade potentially tainted AD for it? If you bought it with cash, you deserve to have it restored. If you used AD, then you are not out anything.
If I had hundreds of millions of AD hoarded, and had already traded for thousands of dollars of Zen, why would I keep selling it for Zen right now? Some people will be afraid to draw attention to themselves right now by making large transactions, some will hold the hoarded AD for later so they can use it to manipulate the…
Not really. If I had hundreds of millions of AD hoarded, and had already traded for thousands of dollars of Zen, why would I keep selling it for Zen right now? Some people will hold the hoarded AD for later, and others will sell it directly to the gold-selling companies for cash.
That is the real question. If, contrary to all of the reports, the exploits began last weekend ... and if the vast majority of the AD has been taken out of the economy, then the economy will correct itself rather quickly. If, however, the reports are true that the exploit was found in closed beta, that and some people…
Exactly. No one (probably not even the Devs) knows the precise amount of AD in the economy. Based on the time the exploit was active, the amount you could exploit in each transaction, and the anecdotal evidence of some players having over a billion hoarded, my estimate of 100 billion was conservative.
Maybe you spent $1200 on keys ... maybe you bought keys with Zen traded for exploited AD ... maybe you bought Nightmares off the AH to launder exploited AD ... I don't know. A lot of people (probably not you), bought up items like Nightmares, cats, etc. to hide/launder their exploited AD. Something needs to be done to get…
Of course, in the long run, it will balance out. But, as Keynes said "in the long run, we are all dead". So, if you are willing to wait several years, of course it will balance out. But, given the present state of things, I doubt most of us will be playing NW several years from now.
While I was originally for a complete wipe, I have been convinced a total wipe would do more harm than good. But, they could do a wealth wipe which would get most of the counterfeit AD and exploited items out of the system. The only way I know to do it is to set a limit on the AD you can have per account. My suggestion is…
The exploit was known in STO. The exploit was reported in Neverwinter closed beta. Gold-sellers now have billions of AD in stock. People have posted in other forums about amassing over a billion AD each since launch. The evidence is abundant.
So you believe having billions of counterfeit AD in the economy (with some people hoarding hundreds of millions of AD) is not a problem? If you honestly believe that, I have some oceanfront property in Tennessee you might be interested in. The economy is not just the AD to Zen exchange. The AH market is devastated by…
So, if I were to counterfeit hundreds of trillions of US dollars, it would not damage the economy? It is clear you are not an economist. It doesn't ruin the economy for you if you are one of the ones hoarding hundreds of millions of counterfeit AD, but for everyone else, it does.
WRONG! The AH exploit allowed you to bid in a way that gave you thousands of AD from nothing. Over the first few weeks, the economy was flooded with hundreds of billions of counterfeit AD. So honest AD was devalued enormously. Now, a portion of the population are hoarding hundreds of millions of ad they use to control/skew…
Absolutely incorrect. People are bragging about making hundreds of millions of AD the first few weeks. They did this by selling items to the cheaters. Basically the economy has a vast amount of counterfeit AD. 1 Billion is laughably small. One guy posted how he had made 400 Million AD buying and selling on the AH the first…
What, if anything, are you doing about accounts that have 10+ Million AD? Even if they did not exploit, they profited from the exploiters. If someone pays me in counterfeit money, I am not allowed to keep it.
If you got rid of all the exploited AD, why are the gold-selling sites claiming 100s of million of AD in stock? The economy is not fair and balanced. How can it be when you allowed exploiting to go on for weeks?
They could at least have a wealth wipe. Limit each played account to 5,000,000 AD and 500 gold, make all the current purples BoP, wipe all AD and gold from mule accounts ... that would go a long way toward limiting the damage.