the feed the pig attitude has driven away so much of the player base youd think theyd examin the feed the pig ideology of there greed cause the pigs gonna start to starve withought players.
definately not 2 years ago this game was fun to play, then the mod after mod push to force cash money spending, hit way too hard.It is rediculouse at this ruined state of the game to expect us to pay them even more for trash 99% of it. cryptic need figure out that this is a fail direction to take the game if the only…
they havent fixed anythign i still cant heal period in pvp i still get qued as groups tank (there words)"gwf,s arent ment to be tanks". were suposed to be burst dps which we cant do either cause if we build that way were just dead.and if we build enough def we cant hurt anything pls make up your minds kill this game or…
or just invest some of the millions in profits into some new servers i know there still using the ones they bought from atnt that were allready 20 year old punch card processors
sure why not im holding a pretty steady 50 mb connection (still only lagg on neverwinter)i should be able dll somthing free on steam and be playing befor thay get anything right here
bla bla bla currently there is no working functional pvp/pve builds for gwf in pvp either build gets you 50 50 at best your dead all the time .in pve the dipshits at cryptic still que gwfs as sole tank in pug partys and we again are dead dead dead as we have had our only pve tak skill nerfed to death and broken to point it…
na gwfs arent under powered we have no power to underpower since last nerfs your best damage will be your atwill powers and that will still suck and as long as 999,999,999 trs and cw,s are out there still *****ing about gwf,s well were gonna stay under the devs heel on our necks so get use to it spam those at wills cause…
im sry im gwf im 3k item score all rank 9 enchants and therse definately somthing wrong when i cant break 20 k on any hit and my at-wills are my biggest source of dps cause my dailies and encounters suck *** so bad with the nerfs no point in doing anything but spamming at-wills
playing this game at all became irrelevant with mod 6 its pure greed driven crapola now and pointless to continue as most us dont have 1,000 dollars every 4 months to compleetly start over and over mod 7 is comming in 5 months and again your loose all youve4 bought and built as itll all become pointless again greedy greedy…
its been all day and noone ive been able talk to can log in either noone one can find any post by devs about it it as if theyve blocked all real players and only allowing bots to farm
lol its 5:30 in berkley so those of us not important nuff to be worthy customers our nights over ,were not talking about people who work at night there done for the day.
you cant start in safe mode if the launcher fails to connect 5 times then trys to tell me im not connected to internet wonder how im replying too you no way to try to load in safe mode
Am currently applying for administration position am overly qualified Qualifications proof.(cryptic your fired) this authentication fail is loads of your fired ! fired! FIRED! quit trying to host a game site u suck at it fail FIRED!
wonder if theyd get it working right if i repost there amex report for 1/4ly earning for last 1/4 of 2014 littel over 76 million pure profit no new servers
my guild leader is prime example hes played for years he wins every loot roll he gets tiamat chromatic amulet in first week of play he gets mounts atleast 1 out every 10 keys to sell .(definate favoritism going on)me im poor cant buy 10,000 zen a week so i get shunted to the never win HAMSTER file so get this down now pay…
prety sad you devs dont play obviously it shows in how you burn us down every chance you get how you turn pvp into assasins creed version xxvii and how cw in pve gets to do tripple dps over any other class i stand in the gore and take abuse so he gets to hide in a corner blasting away ty for ripping me and guildies who…
imagin if you will a dreary snowey winters day and joe is about to play his favorite game but littel does he know, hes entered the twilight zone where ,perfect wourld fails miserably once again over and over and obver and over no joy ever for joe:mad::mad: