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  • Yep i cant wait for that too, but its probably too late now, the damage is done.
  • Mate, just look at the foruns.... its obvious that the players are not their priority
  • The problem is not the LFG channel.... the problem is queueing for a dungeon that is suposed to be END-GAME and getting only blue items..every single run.... how many runs like that can you make before being pissed and lose interest? the queue system also doesnt help, the instances are long and if you lose a player you…
  • Not only beating the dungeon with the minimum gear score, but also doing it in PUGS and without exploits... thats what i would like to see... because i know for FACT that some posters in this topic saying that the game is easy and bla bla bla, are clearing/were cleraing the dungeons using all the exploits known to us...
  • yeah.... People having standarts and values should join the borg, right? another case of parenting faillure right here... I bet you are so proud of yourself for being a cheater, noskill , and with awfull ****ty arrogant personality.. but hey ppl like you and the other **** players/persons are the majority in this game...…
  • Because he was probably one of those EXPLOITERS that spammed the weekly quests in sharandar and got banned, and instead of taking it like a man and acepting responsability for what he did, he blames the pwe/cryptic or whatever esle he can so he can sleep at night... dont you know that its never the exploiter fault? its…
  • Do you even play this game? or you are just trying to start some fights in the forums?
  • Thats your problem right here.... and im surprised noone said that earlier, but any class with Tenebrous is OP... so you want a class to be nerfed because of some enchants? learn to play, learn to dodge the bullrush, learn to dodge the frontline surge.... you dont even know why they are doing so much damage to you....…
  • Devs? i think that this game is made only by one guy in his basement... there is no devs... just look at the hundereds of posts about pvp.... not even a single response from any guy in charge.... so Devs? that doesnt exist
  • Tr is the weakest class by far in pvp? ahahhahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..... ty for that mate... i needed that laugh today... AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH!!!!!!!!!
  • dudes have you seen any dev post in any of the hundreds of pvp posts this forum have? every day dozens posts like this come up in the foruns...they just dont care... a game that have pvp , but doesnt have any sort penalty for quitting like EVERY MMO in the market have, is just not taking the pvp side serious enough.. PvP…
  • :D , its better if we can make fun of it,atleast that makes me laugh...the Blue drops in a end game dungeon dont make me happy... they make me want to unninstall the game..
  • so , you are comparing a TANK ( defender) with a DAMAGE DEALER (striker), and you are getting mad because the damage is not the same? you said the whole think felt <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, thats exactly the feeling im getting from this post.... please ragequit the whole game like you said...
  • untill people realizes that queueing for a pvp match doesnt garantee you will win 100% of time, they will continue to quit... i read here always the same excuses : " because they are a premade, because they have higher gs, they are p2win players etc.."... no Bots excuse this time guys??? im shocked! how about a new…
  • i also would like some news about this... its simply bad coding, the guy that did it was not paying attention to his job.... we should loseTemp.HP when unstoppable ends, but we ARE LOSING UNSTOPPABLE WHEN TEMP.HP ENDS....
  • Because getting hit by 31k followed by 28k from the same rogue on my 32kHP guardian is a sign that i really should learn to play ,right? RIGHT? and this is with a full tank set, im not in timeless, so high defense and high deflect... please, i understand that you guys dont want your class to be nerfed, but you have to…
  • GWF unstoppable is working in reverse.... i have tested this for 2 days now, always with the same results... We are losing Unstoppable when the Temp.HP ends.... It should be the other way around, we should lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing Unstoppable when HP ends while still having 50% of the determination bar full
  • GWF unstoppable is working in reverse.... We are losing Unstoppable when the Temp.HP ends.... It should be the other way around, we should lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing Unstoppable when HP ends while still having 50% of the determination bar full
  • GWF unstoppable is working in reverse....I have been testint this for 2 days now. always with the same results.. We are losing Unstoppable when the Temp.HP ends.... It should be the other way around, we should lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing Unstoppable when HP ends while still having 50% of the determination bar…
  • GWF unstoppable is working in reverse.... have beend testing this for 2 days always with the same results.. We are losing Unstoppable when the Temp.HP ends.... It should be the other way around, we should lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing Unstoppable when HP ends while still having 50% of the determination bar full
  • Tried it again today to confirm it... GWF unstoppable is working in reverse.... We are losing Unstoppable when the Temp.HP ends.... It should be the other way around, we should lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing Unstoppable when HP ends while still having 50% of the determination bar full
  • Tryed it again today.... GWF are loosing Unstoppable as soon as the Temp.Hp ends.... we are supposed to loose HP when the unstoppable ends, not loosing Unstoppable when tempHP ends... In every patch you guys wreck something, its hard to pay attention while coding something in your work place? Or you guys are just NOT good…
  • What im seeing in my Gwf alt is that Unstoppable is ending when the Temp HP ends...every single time.. you guys should try to see if thats the case too on your side... happened almost every time i pressed it in pvp or pve. its supposde to be the other way around, we are supposed to lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing…
  • What im seeing in my Gwf alt is that Unstoppable is ending when the Temp HP ends... its supposde to be the other way around, we are supposed to lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing Unstoppable when Temp HP ends, even if i still have half bar of Determination left on it..
  • What im seeing in my Gwf alt is that Unstoppable is ending when the Temp HP ends...every single time.. its supposed to be the other way around, we are supposed to lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing Unstoppable when Temp HP ends, even if i still have half bar of Determination left on it..
  • What im seeing in my Gwf alt is that Unstoppable is ending when the Temp HP ends... its supposde to be the other way around, we are supposed to lose HP when unstoppable ends, not losing Unstoppable when Temp HP ends, even if i still have half bar of Determination left on it..
  • yeah i can confirm that too! what i noticed is that Unstoppable is ending when the Temp.HP fades, even if i have half of determination bar.. its supposed to work the other way around, we should be loosing HP when the unstoppable ends, not loosing unstoppable when the HP ends.
  • Yep, i can confirm it too... was doing pvp on my gwf alt and as soon as the Temp,HP fades, unstoppable gpes away too, even if i still have half bar left on it. this is probably a bug, because hitting unstoppable for it to end in 2 seconds, when theres is 40 or 50% left on the bar is ridiculous .
  • Thats what im seeing to on my gwf alt... As soon as the Temp. hitpoints goes away,the Unstoppable ends, even if i still have half bar left on it.. Gwf loosing Temp.HP when unstoppable ends is one thing and i agree with that change too, but this is probably a bug because its working in reverse... because hitting Unstoppable…