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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Added you so I can invite when I see you on. I'll probably be on (maybe afk) from now until 4pm est, then gone until evening, not sure about others in the guild.
  • Sure, send me a message whenever your on.
  • For the sake of damage alone, aren't STR and CHA equal (ignoring the Discipline of Strength feats)? Str gives 1% damage, Cha 1% from CA, but feats that buff CA (underhanded tactics) should increase the damage from strength as well. If the formula is additive base * (1 + 1.04*str bonus + 1.2(CA bonus + CHA bonus)) and cha >…
  • I had a similar issue with the mail. When I deleted one mail, all of the other messages got duplicates. I sent in a ticket to support, here is the reply I got. This is an immediate dismissal without more than a cursory glance. I'm not sure if they spent under a minute looking at my ticket or if it was an automated…
  • I believe its when you get the little arrow to the side of the damage number. If this is true, you take something like half damage on a deflected blow... which isn't really well explained or intuitive.