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CHA > STR for TR?

vestige321vestige321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Wouldn't a CHA based rogue be better with that feat of 20% increased bonus from CHA than a STR based rogue? Seems like you'd get more bang for your buck going CHA than STR by the looks of it. Anyone got any experience or insight on this and how combat advantage mechanics work?
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  • argonacargonac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1% damage all the time or 1% damage with CA (for 1 stat point).. seems pretty close to the same thing to me, with feats boosting CA a little more than Str.
  • vestige321vestige321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Which means in terms of maximizing pure damage, CHA is the way to go right? Although more or less you'd have to spend 5 feat points for it
  • argonacargonac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you always, 100% of the time had CA then yeah.. but you don't, do you?
  • vestige321vestige321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Aren't you always in CA while in dungeons though? Cause there is a tank keeping aggro?
  • vanquishedsoulvanquishedsoul Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The idea behind getting CHA is mainly for the Combat Advantage bonus, but it also gives us a deflection bonus too so that's nice.

    Combat Advantage works like this: Sandwiching (you on one side of target, someone else opposite you), being behind the target, the target isn't focusing you, the target is CC'd (stun, dazed, knockdown, etc.), rogue's in stealth, and some powers and feats that give you CA for a certain duration. All of these things will give you CA.

    In essence, you should quite possibly have CA nearly 99% of the time. This is especially true in a party, and even more so when you have a Guardian or Wizard, or both.

    In PvP this might be a little difficult since obviously you will be targeted and you will be CC'd...but at that point STR will be at the same disadvantage. If you can't attack, having more of STR or CHA won't matter, and when you are attacking you should be able to play smart enough that you can gain CA.

    Going STR is safer, this much is true. CHA, with respect to CA, takes more skill but is more rewarding in terms of damage. At least, that's what I think.

    IGN: SirAnon
    Race: Stoneman
    Class: Protector
    Guild: Sovereign
  • bladesofwillbladesofwill Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For the sake of damage alone, aren't STR and CHA equal (ignoring the Discipline of Strength feats)? Str gives 1% damage, Cha 1% from CA, but feats that buff CA (underhanded tactics) should increase the damage from strength as well.

    If the formula is additive
    base * (1 + 1.04*str bonus + 1.2(CA bonus + CHA bonus))

    and cha > str due to the 1.04 ratio compared to the 1.2 ratio

    however, if the formula is multiplicative
    base * (1 + 1.04*str bonus) * (1 + 1.2(CA bonus + CHA bonus))

    its a whole different beast

    Firstly, does anyone know if there is a base damage increase simply for having combat advantage?

    Doing the math for my HOrc rogue's possible stats (max str/cha and str/ max cha, set equal to each other, solve for CA), CHA = STR when CA = .08 (roughly).

    If the base CA bonus = 0, (assuming an easy 1000 base damage) maxed STR hits for 1255.5776 damage and maxed CHA hits for 1262.976 damage. If I did my math properly (which I am not sure I did, feel free to double check), this means there is a 0.5875% difference between the two numbers.

    Which would mean that if you have CA for 100% of your damage dealt, maxed cha over str would give .05875% more damage. If you have CA for 99.4%~ or less of your damage (side note, been a while since I did anything mathematical/proof related, so may be wrong here), maxed str over cha is superior. A minor difference, but a difference nonetheless.

    Of course, if bonus damage is additive, its all moot D:
  • vestige321vestige321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    CHA could potentially be better if you get bonus increase from having a companion that provides you with a boost in stats.
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