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  • wouldn’t fit you guys could implement a salvaging system for maths,seals and stuff like that. It would stop the speed runs cause you could do same dungeon all the time but after the first run you get for you DR loot; still good but not the same.
  • Personally, i like the gw2 system http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns You could still farm all other dungeons for the loot, making better to find groups and run dungeons and if the piece that drop wouldn
  • rofl, totally true. The phrase i like the most was one from the rogue in my party, he goes like this " OMG heal me and stop dps stuff priest you make me pop a potion dude", and i go like ##what?!' Gf asks after we wipe what goes wrong and the rogue answer " Dude, the priest cant stay alive..";)
  • PVP is a joke, CC >nuke>disable>knock out. 99% of the time you don't even get time to build decent action points to put some decent use of daily powers, on top of that put a guardian on front and you are set. PvP that rely on potions?!? really?!? what the **** is this1 korean LOL championship 2008'.