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Queueing up, takes 45 minutes to wait... no cleric.



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    kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    calidorn wrote: »
    Not many people are enjoying playing what this game deems to be a cleric.

    It should never have been called a cleric. It barely qualifies as a weak druid. I would expect better heals on a ranger.

    Your heals are weak? Then UR DOIN IT WRONG(tm). There's no issue with healing output, at all, just with the fact that you end up tanking everything on the same continent. Lay down your seals, astral shield, forgemaster's, whatever, and your group should be getting plenty of maintenance healing and mitigation.

    The problem, of course, is that you will then be insta-swarmed by mobs, as your threat reduction talents are broken, and no-one bothers hitting the adds to distract them from you anyway. It's really easy to keep your group alive. Keeping yourself alive, however, is a biyatch.
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    frost168frost168 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The thing i like in this game is that you can run dungeons and skirmishes without a cleric character, thanks to companions.
    A cleric isnt neccessery to join in
    , still I wait more than a half hur to fill the queue, a popular game would never accept this !

    Thought, the game is in beta, and there are TON of gamers who never play beta games, but only Live versions. Except more players when time passes, people do read forums.

    EDIT: PS: Also i feel Cleric skills very AWKWARD ! Thats why i dont play it, and i do like clerics.

    Sorry, but got my laugh for the day. Don't worry. This changes when you hit the real game.

    Level 8 content is not the same as level 60+ content. Most epic groups run two clerics. Love to see your video on your group running the epic dungeons with no cleric, just cleric companions. Pm me the link please. TY
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    zepheazephea Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I play a DC and I often wait more than 45mins so I don't know what your issue is :D

    I have a few troubles staying alive if someone doesn't help get aggro off me. Hate to think what t2s are going to be like. Maybe I shouldn't go near them. Unless in guild/channels and not in a queue.
    ~*~ Sparkles! ~*~

    The MMO may change but the inventory tetris stays the same.
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    darkwithlessdarkwithless Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    inmydot wrote: »
    So I did the spider/drow dungeon via Queue. It took me freaggin 45 minutes (if not longer) before I finally got entry... Checking group composition.. No cleric .. great and I'm almost out of pots. We managed to finish the dungeon without wipes, but really? 45 minutes of waiting and not even getting a cleric? :/

    I stopped playing my trash spec'd wizard (1st char, made massive blunders spec'ing, but lvl 60 and don't want to delete) when I had this happen once and I realized that I could just circumvent the biggest inhibitor to playing this game by playing my cleric instead.
    itheryel wrote: »
    lol simple reason why people dont wanna do cleric in public groups = team sux and doesnt care if cleric die's, cleric consumes 5x the potions other players use, cleric takes all agro and team is shouting "heal u dumbass HEAL" ore something funky like that.

    So i promote the titanic strategy somebody posted a while back,
    u spam one massive heal! u get all the agro and then u run ONE circle to see if ure team takes care of the adds, do they not, u run into them with 30 adds looking at ure *** with enjoyment and u suicide and wipe the entire team.
    This is an educational method of teaching strategy's to people that are not very eager to learn.

    So much fun to do to a bad team. Though I did find out yesterday (epic Frozen Heart) that running around in circles with all the agro can be a legitimate strategy when the team actually can't kill all the adds as fast as they spawn.
    dixa1 wrote: »
    as someone who runs t2's as either a cleric or wizard (both at 60, both 9.6kgs+) i can also tell you that there ar a lot of badly played clerics out there, clerics who burn all of their divine power on sun burst and offensive abilities and do not maintain permanent divine powered astral shields.

    My opinion on this, is give the bad team and/or the bad cleric constructive advise. I have found that the make or break point is one person who knows what to do and is willing to share the info. Stop autoing and keep moving no matter how good your team is they can't save you from new waves that dive on your face the second they spawn. I might still be stuck on wolf den , or not have realized just how op divine a.s. is, if it weren't for advise I was given.
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    kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Well from what I seen with the boss fights as a healing cleric, is that even when the adds come in, they almost instantly and every single one of them agro on you, so your lone cleric is ending up tanking the whole fight, running like a school girl, tossing heals when you can, downing mass healing pots. I have the threat reduction feats and stuff and it doesn't work for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. It honestly SUCKS to be the healing cleric in the group. I cant tell you how many times I die big all of those over lapping AOE attacks every mob seems to have and I only have so much stamina to dodge them.
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    krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why, you want to know why? Because healing is boring. Spam heal this guy, that guy, oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that guy died because he didn't get a heal oh well I hate playing cleric anyways..
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    aftershafteraftershafter Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My experience as a pickup group healer consists of having people who homestead in red circles yell at me for not insta healing them from 20% to 100% and having every other class need rolling on cleric only items. Clerics are not the most popular class to begin with and people treat them like an <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> sandwich. So, you've got to ask yourself - why on earth would a cleric jump into an abuse que when there are usually semi-quality groups asking for us in chat at any given time?

    You want clerics to go into those ques? Good or bad cleric, NEVER abuse them, and NEVER roll on cleric only items. First time someone does the latter I warn the group. Second time I quit. Frankly, you need me way more than I need you, and I tend to get treated like I'm not needed at all.
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    xuminaxumina Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Facts of being a healer, applies to almost all MMORPGs.

    1) Any death will always be your fault including your own. Exceptions will be mob/boss death, it will always be the fault of the best dps-er for causing their death.

    2) You will always be yelled at. Even when you are not even in the same zone.

    3) Even if you have instant 100% heal skill with no cooldown, some idiot will always get 1 hit killed or whatever and it will still be your fault.

    4) You will always be surrounded by idiots who do not know how to stay alive. Exception... me =p

    5) Death by jumping off cliff will still be your fault.

    :D Moral of the story... deal with it... :D
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    rezargamerrezargamer Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    inmydot wrote: »
    So I did the spider/drow dungeon via Queue. It took me freaggin 45 minutes (if not longer) before I finally got entry... Checking group composition.. No cleric .. great and I'm almost out of pots. We managed to finish the dungeon without wipes, but really? 45 minutes of waiting and not even getting a cleric? :/
    Well if you had gotten me as a Cleric in your group it would have been the same, I'm not specced for healing.
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    kalizaarkalizaar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xumina wrote: »
    Facts of being a healer, applies to almost all MMORPGs.

    1) Any death will always be your fault including your own. Exceptions will be mob/boss death, it will always be the fault of the best dps-er for causing their death.

    2) You will always be yelled at. Even when you are not even in the same zone.

    3) Even if you have instant 100% heal skill with no cooldown, some idiot will always get 1 hit killed or whatever and it will still be your fault.

    4) You will always be surrounded by idiots who do not know how to stay alive. Exception... me =p

    5) Death by jumping off cliff will still be your fault.

    :D Moral of the story... deal with it... :D

    Don't forget that you also are not allowed to read any lore, read what any NPC is saying, look at any of your surroundings, try to open any profession boxes, take a moment to drink a beverage, do any damage, and I'm sure I'm missing more. If you do any of that you're a horrible excuse for a player, a complete newb, the most terrible cleric ever in the history of MMO since the first MMO (WoW) came out, you're a n*insert two zeroes here*b, and also a n*insert two o's here*b.

    edit: can't type any form of newb besides newb evidently.
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    kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    kalizaar wrote: »
    Don't forget that you also are not allowed to read any lore, read what any NPC is saying, look at any of your surroundings, try to open any profession boxes, take a moment to drink a beverage, do any damage, and I'm sure I'm missing more. If you do any of that you're a horrible excuse for a player, a complete newb, the most terrible cleric ever in the history of MMO since the first MMO (WoW) came out, you're a ****, and also a ****.

    OMG just stop hitting stuff and focus on healing! HEAL! FFS!
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    krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One of the most common things I see when I pug is that rarely do any of the group members dodge. I know some classes have a harder time dodging but still even those classes that can, don't or very rarely. I think they expect the cleric to just spot heal them through every aoe dmg received. But hey that can happen but not at the rate the dmg comes in. I can almost predict every pug wipe based on who is dodging and who isn't.
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    suroh66suroh66 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This is Dnd you do not need a healer or a tank as you're given companions which can do every thing. If you want a cleric get one as a companion it will heal you, keep in mind you should always have potions on your person at all times due to the fact that end game is impossible with out them.
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    elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    suroh66 wrote: »
    This is Dnd you do not need a healer or a tank as you're given companions which can do every thing. If you want a cleric get one as a companion it will heal you, keep in mind you should always have potions on your person at all times due to the fact that end game is impossible with out them.

    No, your cleric companion is in no way, shape or form anything like a player cleric.

    A single target 20% heal on a 30s cooldown? Can you imagine the cries if player clerics were that useless?
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    baballo2baballo2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    OMG just stop hitting stuff and focus on healing! HEAL! FFS!

    rofl, totally true. The phrase i like the most was one from the rogue in my party, he goes like this " OMG heal me and stop dps stuff priest you make me pop a potion dude", and i go like ##what?!'
    Gf asks after we wipe what goes wrong and the rogue answer " Dude, the priest cant stay alive..";)
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah - I'm a level 43 Cleric right now. The last Dungeon Delve I ran was Cloak Tower. I am intentionally avoiding the rest and just playing the Solo content for most, if not all the reasons in this thread. Perhaps once I get to level 60 I might seek out a decent Guild and only then start investigating the option of party-delves.

    Until then, screw it. There's plenty of ways to level-up without ever doing party content.
    It will be the same scenario for my GF. I haven't decided about my CW or TR yet. I haven;t created a GWF yet, either, based on what I'm reading about them. Maybe I'll just save the fifth slot for whatever else shows up in a month or two when new race/class are intro'd.
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    xuminaxumina Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    OMG just stop hitting stuff and focus on healing! HEAL! FFS!

    OMG I can see you healing... heal faster FFS....~!! HEAL~~~!!! Do like 20 heals per sec darn it...~!!! you N00bie healer~!!
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    inmydotinmydot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    knightfalz wrote: »
    You don't need a cleric to succeed, as your own example shows. Why then must the game ensure you have a cleric.

    If you feel you must have a cleric for a crutch, plan out your own group, either through looking for group, or joining a guild with an ample supply of clerics. If you go the guild route, you'll likely not have to wait the 45 minutes for anything, due to organized runs.

    Exactly, than what was I waiting 45m for :/
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    klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Heal or I break bones!11
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    itheryelitheryel Member Posts: 335 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Clerics shouldent heal at all guys ure doing it totaly wrong <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.... pffs just get 100 str for 100% stamina recovery increase and DANCE dance baby dance!
    Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
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    dixa1dixa1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    Goodness. Prey, tell, what is the secret to being able to burn all of your divine power on sunburst? Mine has an irritating cooldown. Teach us, oh master.

    you should read entire sentences.

    there was a part where i said sun burst and other offensive abilities ie. they are using divine power on sun burst and their third encounter ability after doing a divine powered astral shield. now unless they spec'd for it, they are out of DP unless they dps with at-wills.

    smarter play is to use divine power on astral shields only. sun burst does't need it if you have a cw or two, and whatever your third encounter ability likely doesnt need it. i personally use divine glow because it provides a LOT of action points and divine power on use.
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    krisstina2333krisstina2333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dixa1 wrote: »
    you should read entire sentences.

    there was a part where i said sun burst and other offensive abilities ie. they are using divine power on sun burst and their third encounter ability after doing a divine powered astral shield. now unless they spec'd for it, they are out of DP unless they dps with at-wills.

    smarter play is to use divine power on astral shields only. sun burst does't need it if you have a cw or two, and whatever your third encounter ability likely doesnt need it. i personally use divine glow because it provides a LOT of action points and divine power on use.

    Need Forgemaster's Flame on for emergency burst healing and in case astral shield got dispell.Sun burst is a better solution for AP with emergency disruption while divine glow cant do a thing except a little boost of DPS~
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    kissell19kissell19 Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2013
    osiabunny wrote: »
    OH so this que system just throws people at you? LOL another thing is Clerics get an insane agro using something, could be another factor in not many clerics playing at the moment. Also what happened to Battle Clerics? I remember them in 2nd edition ad&d

    We are battle clerics!
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    ronbo68ronbo68 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    frost168 wrote: »
    Sorry, but got my laugh for the day. Don't worry. This changes when you hit the real game.

    Level 8 content is not the same as level 60+ content. Most epic groups run two clerics. Love to see your video on your group running the epic dungeons with no cleric, just cleric companions. Pm me the link please. TY

    But aren't most epic groups taking 2 DCs specifically because of stacking astral shields? If and when that changes I would expect taking two DCs to change.
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    dertchdertch Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Do you know why people dont want to play as a cleric? Thats why.


    There is a lot of people like this, and most of them are playing as Rogues.
    I know i was rude, but it's really annoying.
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    alandoril1alandoril1 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dertch wrote: »
    Do you know why people dont want to play as a cleric? Thats why.


    There is a lot of people like this, and most of them are playing as Rogues.
    I know i was rude, but it's really annoying.

    It's almost always rogues that behave like that, something about the class just attracts complete idiots.
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alandoril1 wrote: »
    It's almost always rogues that behave like that, something about the class just attracts complete idiots.

    But, but ..... everyone knows that Rogue is the hardest and most demanding class in the game to do well on. So why would players so selfless that they would pick such a difficult class, with no chance to come top of the DPs meters at the end of each run, have entitlement issues. It just doesn't make sense......

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    dukemandukeman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    itheryel wrote: »
    lol simple reason why people dont wanna do cleric in public groups = team sux and doesnt care if cleric die's, cleric consumes 5x the potions other players use, cleric takes all agro and team is shouting "heal u dumbass HEAL" ore something funky like that.

    So i promote the titanic strategy somebody posted a while back,
    u spam one massive heal! u get all the agro and then u run ONE circle to see if ure team takes care of the adds, do they not, u run into them with 30 adds looking at ure *** with enjoyment and u suicide and wipe the entire team.
    This is an educational method of teaching strategy's to people that are not very eager to learn.

    This exactly I did pirate king and the complaint at the end after we complete it was healer you need to try and heal us a little better.. to which I respond its not that easy with the 30 friggin mobs chasing me the "entire" time. This is why I just quest screw grouping.
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    bori4bori4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 82
    edited May 2013
    If you want people to play clerics. Kill the dam adds.

    Spot on mate :D
    Bori - Renegade Drow - 40 Trickster Rogue - Mindflayer
    Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer

    Looking for some Dust of Forum Troll Disappearance
    ? Sprinkle this on any troll to phase shift them out of your plane of existence. ;)

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    nevfenevfe Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's something that needs sorting out, a queue system that doesn't provide a viable group is just wasting people's time.

    Additionally Cryptic could look to adding queue information so that

    a) you get an idea of how long you might have to wait to get in
    b) it could show things like 'currently x dps, y tanks and z healers queueing', so if there's a shortage of one type you might wish to switch characters.
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