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Update to Proposed End Game Loot Changes



  • reeferdtrinireeferdtrini Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    firstly this game is as f2p as many other mmo games out there that claim's to be. I played a few and all had/have item's a person can buy once they wish too.

    my question is how does the purchasing of gears through cash bother anyone else playing the game? My guild leader pointed out he went many dungeons with person's with nice gs and they had no idea how to do them. so I guess this was one valid point.

    but why have a zen to ad and vice versa trade if you don't want person's to purchase from the ah.
    the intention of all the mechanics put in place in this game made it f2p as u can farm item's not bop sell if good for ad and trade for zen and buy what you like from the zen shop.

    the ah will be completely useless if bop on the scale mentioned would be implemented, why firstly no good items worth ad would be on the ah, secondly I am sure the ad you would normally get for a set item from selling on the ah would not be matched by any vendor pwe will ever put in the game.

    I hate the need for class only system as it limit drops to you alone so now ppl wont want to group with other's of their own class cause they want the surety of a drop which can be understood. I do understand it's importance for the ninja's of the game but what about person's who do dungeons just for farm. bop will definitely kill that group of person's making que and group forming even more horrible than it is atm.

    why was transfer map removed? that was a great way to prevent ninja's from kicking ppl to get loot. I mention this cause my guildies nearly got the bitter end of a cn run.

    seal of drake items are worthless now and I have over 500plus seals why not make special gears or items for seals or even unbind gem slots for 500 seals.

    the economy is in a mess not because of bop boe or ninja's to be honest it's because of the exploits. cn items are dropping daily, shortcut's are still in use, and duping is alive and well. one ah guy has 999 x2 of gems selling I mean really. i went with groups saw these expoilts and felt sick to know that after spending cash with time to gather my pieces of set, people where doing this from the very beginning. just fix them and lets move on please...
  • gopeegopee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    how the heck does the gear that drops from dungeons being on the AH undermine player's accomplishments???

    players accomplishing the dungeon runs is the ONLY reason the gear is on the AH to begin with...
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gopee wrote: »
    how the heck does the gear that drops from dungeons being on the AH undermine player's accomplishments???

    players accomplishing the dungeon runs is the ONLY reason the gear is on the AH to begin with...

    Not that I agree with it, but some people equate winning the Need or Greed roll with "earning" said loot. That being said, perhaps people should, at the very least, have to complete a dungeon at least once in order to don gear from said dungeon.

    Here's another idea - what if green enemies in a dungeon dropped "keys" - not the regular keys for lockboxes, but keys that allowed you to open chests throughout the dungeon, which contained items specifically for your character? These could include useful things - like injury kits, ID scrolls, higher tier potions, and maybe even dyes specific to that dungeon.
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    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • blackmetaloneblackmetalone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What about a token system for BoP gear? Bosses can drop a class token that can be traded in for a piece of BoP gear of the player needs. The fact that ALL gear is BoE kind of makes Unicorn tokens and Glory pointless when you can just buy the gear you want on the AH.
    PvP gear should be BoP at least, and should be equivalent to T2. It seems having T2 gear surpasses the PvP gear at the moment. I saved up all my glory til I hit 60 only to realize the gear was available cheap on the AH. So whats the point of Glory?
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    iraetfuria wrote: »
    You should just fix the dungeons, prevent ppl from rushing/exploiting them. That would prevent the loot inflation and would make the market and economy better. So go fix the reason that this problem is happening, not the cause.

    Lol you mean deflation currently. The prices will rise masively as they will be harder to run... that is inflation.
  • banecrushrbanecrushr Member Posts: 129 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    WHats pathitic, is no one will use the voip in game. How hard would it be to actually talk about how loot will be done BEFORE you run the D? I'm good as long as everyone is on the same page, and has an open mic to ask, hey can I need that item? If they make it BOP and the class can use it, then great, win win for all. No it won't stop those who will need it simply to now go sell it for gold or scrap, but it might help slow the process.

    "Sir, were now surrounded"!
    Thats great news son, now we can attack from ALL sides"!
  • fusedmassfusedmass Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 252 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    This just my input.

    Why should loot be limited to BOP. So that the small number of the super elite people who run dungeons every week, with harsh requirements to join can be only ones walking around gloating in their new gear. That's what this is about. However take into consideration this.

    Most Dungeons have insane requirements for GS, and so do people. How are they supposed to get the gear if they can't go on a dungeon. I enjoyed the free to play of this game. We're able to buy almost anything on the Zen market, in game we trade enchanted keys for gear, whatever the case may be.

    Why stop that. What's hurting so badly you would change it to BOP. Unless I'm misunderstanding. I like the current system. I paid enchanted keys for T2 gear. This company profited from me buying the keys, and the person profited from getting the keys. I got the gear.

    I would, my own point of view. Keep it as it is.
  • therealdarkeustherealdarkeus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4
    edited June 2013
    calis118 wrote: »
    That would fix it, yet for some reason in this game people just fail to understand how to roll. Everyone hits need on everything, its so darn annoying.

    I noticed that. It is weird. I was wondering why I wasn't winning any rolls in a Skirmish and realized EVERYBODY was rolling need while I am rolling greed unless it was better than my current stuff.

    Very annoying....
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I noticed that. It is weird. I was wondering why I wasn't winning any rolls in a Skirmish and realized EVERYBODY was rolling need while I am rolling greed unless it was better than my current stuff.

    Very annoying....

    Making players roll on gear promotes a culture of competition and cutthroat behavior among people who are supposed to be working cooperatively on a team. What if they added a bunch more treasure chests throughout existing dungeons and simply let everybody get their own loot, instead of having to worry about looting a loot roll? Or, what if you just added the dungeon gear to the various seal vendors, and gave out more seals instead of the regular drops?
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • lorenthel1lorenthel1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    blink921 wrote: »
    The need =BOP and Greed= BOE way is also flawed. For CW,TR,GWF There are chances of being two of you and ninjaing is still possible. There really is no true way to fix it.

    I don't see your point.

    If the GWF/TR/CW rolled need on it, they couldn't do anything with it except wear it or discard it. The idea proposed is that the items have no value if won with a Need roll.

    So if any GWF/TR/CW tried to ninja an item he could not use, he would just be an <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, he would not profit from it in any way.

    Roll need = bop, 0gold value, can't salvage
    Roll greed = boe, normal gold value, can salvage

    If you want to sell something, give it to your alt, etc, you take your chances rolling greed.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lorenthel1 wrote: »
    I don't see your point.

    If the GWF/TR/CW rolled need on it, they couldn't do anything with it except wear it or discard it. The idea proposed is that the items have no value if won with a Need roll.

    So if any GWF/TR/CW tried to ninja an item he could not use, he would just be an <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, he would not profit from it in any way.

    Roll need = bop, 0gold value, can't salvage
    Roll greed = boe, normal gold value, can salvage

    If you want to sell something, give it to your alt, etc, you take your chances rolling greed.

    This seems the most reasonable way to go. It just bugs me how the current system basically guarantees that if an item of the same class as you drops, and you're the only one of that class on a team, you *will* get it, even if you don't actually "need" it, (as in it's not better than what you are using atm).
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • therealdarkeustherealdarkeus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4
    edited June 2013
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Making players roll on gear promotes a culture of competition and cutthroat behavior among people who are supposed to be working cooperatively on a team. What if they added a bunch more treasure chests throughout existing dungeons and simply let everybody get their own loot, instead of having to worry about looting a loot roll? Or, what if you just added the dungeon gear to the various seal vendors, and gave out more seals instead of the regular drops?

    Sounds fine to me. Trust me, I am not an ardent supporter of the system most MMOs use. I have just gotten used to the system. It seems to me that there has to be a common sense way to solve the problem
  • randallskiirandallskii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lorenthel1 wrote: »
    Roll need = bop, 0gold value, can't salvage
    Roll greed = boe, normal gold value, can salvage

    is so far best idea in my opinion..what's still annoying: delves only every 6 hours (especially for people that cant play long or just very situational) + loot drop from dd chest being random ..

    I went so many times T2 dungeons getting belts, rings or T1 items from the dd chest (in a T2 dungeon -_-) I didnt need.. and if I got a T2 piece it was the wrong one...for example 60 spellplague runs and still no swash helm. that is such a pain in the *** and other ppl go in 3 or 5 times and have it... loot system is based on luck not on performance which is frustrating

    in my opinion a remake of the seal-system would be a better solution than increasing drop rates from bosses or chest similar to the seal system in SW:TOR - because its a guaranteed reward for spending hours defeating the hardest end-bosses .. and it also evidences that most players with high gear really did those dungeons and are experianced in what they did there - which makes gearscore more reliable
  • xanquilxanquil Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 42
    edited June 2013
    lorenthel1 wrote: »
    Roll need = bop, 0gold value, can't salvage
    Roll greed = boe, normal gold value, can salvage

    If you want to sell something, give it to your alt, etc, you take your chances rolling greed.

    This does nothing to curb the issue at hand. It may sound good, at first.
    But it will not get more people into dungeons.(1 piece of treasure for 5 people is the main issue there)
    It will add another way to grief people. (rolling need just so others don't get it)
    You can't fix mistakes on rolling.(ie trade to the right person)
    Will not reduce the amount of items in the market. (that is if everyone is rolling greed)
    Your old gear is now worthless if you try to sell it for the upgrade you just got. (if it was a need roll to begin with)
    Having some of your gear salvageable/sellable is all dependent on how you rolled is frustrating to the players.
    People who have the item will still roll need on it just so they can have the stats of the item but now they can make this one look different, without having to pay AD every time they want to change the way they look.

    It does nothing but add more problems to an already flawed system. N/G/P
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Making players roll on gear promotes a culture of competition and cutthroat behavior among people who are supposed to be working cooperatively on a team. What if they added a bunch more treasure chests throughout existing dungeons and simply let everybody get their own loot, instead of having to worry about looting a loot roll? Or, what if you just added the dungeon gear to the various seal vendors, and gave out more seals instead of the regular drops?

    100% agree.

    The n/g/p system no mater what limitations are added will still cause problems.
    It needs to be replaced, soon.
    I miss parting with my friends.
  • sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks everyone for your feedback on this! Much appreciated!
    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
  • ryvvikryvvik Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 966 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Can we have a seal trader, swap/trade seals for other types eg 5 lion for 1 manticore ect (sorry if posted elsewhere)
  • cinj216cinj216 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    xanquil wrote: »
    You can't fix mistakes on rolling.(ie trade to the right person)

    WoW already solved this problem by giving a small period of time where you could trade the items with your party members. Something like that could easily be implemented.

    Will not reduce the amount of items in the market. (that is if everyone is rolling greed)

    I'm confused. You complain that not everyone is getting equal access to treasure and yet you complain of the amount of items in the market. You can't have it both ways.

    Your old gear is now worthless if you try to sell it for the upgrade you just got. (if it was a need roll to begin with)

    As if the measly 1 gold and some odd silver and copper is worth crying over. I would hope the usefulness of the gear was what gave it its worth, not its pitiful vendor value.

    Having some of your gear salvageable/sellable is all dependent on how you rolled is frustrating to the players.

    Only frustrating to people hoping to ninja some loot for the proverbial quick buck. The rest of us would just be happy we got a better piece of gear.

    I miss parting with my friends.

    If the need/greed system is keeping you from playing with your friends, it sounds like you need better friends.

    Responses in bold.
  • kimberixkimberix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lorenthel1 wrote: »

    Roll need = bop, 0gold value, can't salvage
    Roll greed = boe, normal gold value, can salvage

    If you want to sell something, give it to your alt, etc, you take your chances rolling greed.

    This would depend on how the items are coded within the game. If there is only a single class of the item, then it may prove difficult to create another one based on the rolling results.

    for example; what if the boss was pre-generated to drop "helm_50g_Salvage" as BOE, but when won via a NEED roll, the item would have to somehow change to a "helm_0g_NoSalvage".

    I'm not a coder, and I know this already happensd once you wear an item (and an item changed to "bound"), but I imagine it all depends on how their engine has been designed, especially if the mobs are pre-designed to drop loot upon death.

    I once played Everquest ages ago when they allowed you to be a monster, and you could see the items that the monster spawned with - so it wasn't possible to amend the loot drops once the mob had already spawned.
  • al3xdentonal3xdenton Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would say to fix the exploits in dungeons first, this is the why of so many end game items overflow the market.

    Second, one random piece of gear after 1 or 2 hours in a dungeon isnt very rewarding, especially when you loose the rolls. We need other items to drop, high enchants, wards etc....

    Something I'd like to propose, for instance you kill Dracolich, it drops lets say, ancient spymaster dagger, Radiant enchant rank 7 and blue ward.

    First all can roll for the most valuable item (the dagger), and whoever wins it is forced to roll pass on the other 2. This way 3 different people get valuable stuff from their 2 hours spent in the dungeon.
  • emal83emal83 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    do everything BoP. I don't know if u realized the game is close to fail. The reason? Too-much-easy-full-equipped-people, bugs, no longevity.
    As first, try to improve the difficul of the game. Ya, it will be haredr to make sets and, of course, noobs are gonna cry for this. But if u want to save this game it's absolutel necessary
  • tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The truth of the matter is that gear should not even be BOE. There should be no bind unless it was a long quest chain for a special piece of gear that might take 1-3 months to achieve. The purple epic gear in the t1/t2 dungeons are just items. Nothing special about them other than you and 4 other folks walked into a dungeon and killed some bad guys.

    The only BOE in the game should be relics and artifacts which have yet to be added.
  • xanquilxanquil Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 42
    edited June 2013
    cinj216 wrote: »
    Responses in bold.

    You can't fix mistakes on rolling.(ie trade to the right person)

    WoW already solved this problem by giving a small period of time where you could trade the items with your party members. Something like that could easily be implemented.

    Well they also got rid of the n/g/p roll when using raid finder because it was the only way to stop ninja looting.

    Will not reduce the amount of items in the market. (that is if everyone is rolling greed)

    I'm confused. You complain that not everyone is getting equal access to treasure and yet you complain of the amount of items in the market. You can't have it both ways.

    I'm just stating what one of the goals that the original Idea was intended to "fix". (bop on all boss loot) This also has nothing to do with equal access, it is something that the developers wanted.

    Your old gear is now worthless if you try to sell it for the upgrade you just got. (if it was a need roll to begin with)

    As if the measly 1 gold and some odd silver and copper is worth crying over. I would hope the usefulness of the gear was what gave it its worth, not its pitiful vendor value.

    The salvage system was going to be added so that when you got better gear you could get rid of your old gear for a few AD. Again something the developers were trying to add to get more people into dungeon delves.

    Having some of your gear salvageable/sellable is all dependent on how you rolled is frustrating to the players.

    Only frustrating to people hoping to ninja some loot for the proverbial quick buck. The rest of us would just be happy we got a better piece of gear.

    I would find it frustrating and I don't even run dungeons right now. does that make me a ninja, no.
    I just hate having two of the same item that one can be sold and the other needs to be deleted just because of some stupid lucky roll

    I miss parting with my friends.

    If the need/greed system is keeping you from playing with your friends, it sounds like you need better friends.

    Your opinion.
    Fact is it is the popup that makes me and my friends hate grouping up in this game more than anything else.

    I would like to know what is so good about the N/G/P system that makes people want to hold on to it.
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    emal83 wrote: »
    it will be haredr to make sets and, of course, noobs are gonna cry for this. But if u want to save this game it's absolutel necessary

    and by 'noobs', you mean new customers who might not be powergaming min/maxers and/or exploiters who desire to buy an item on the AH because they're under-geared for their level and cannot possibly obtain it on their own? Those same 'new customers' who might be willing to drop a few bucks on zen to purchase some AD to get that item?

    Something tells me the folks calling the shots here, who are interested in maintaining a steady revenue stream, might have something to say about that.
  • cinj216cinj216 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    xanquil wrote: »
    Your opinion.
    Fact is it is the popup that makes me and my friends hate grouping up in this game more than anything else.

    You do know you can change the looting rules for your party, right?
  • krands90krands90 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    everything from dungeons should be BoP.
  • baballo2baballo2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Personally, i like the gw2 system


    You could still farm all other dungeons for the loot, making better to find groups and run dungeons and if the piece that drop wouldn
  • baballo2baballo2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wouldn’t fit you guys could implement a salvaging system for maths,seals and stuff like that.
    It would stop the speed runs cause you could do same dungeon all the time but after the first run you get for you DR loot; still good but not the same.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    emal83 wrote: »
    do everything BoP. I don't know if u realized the game is close to fail. The reason? Too-much-easy-full-equipped-people, bugs, no longevity.
    As first, try to improve the difficul of the game. Ya, it will be haredr to make sets and, of course, noobs are gonna cry for this. But if u want to save this game it's absolutel necessary

    So how do you come to terms with this...
    realbo wrote: »
    Not a SINGLE drop of T2 set piece that I could use. My luck can't be that bad.

    In all seriousness, loot table needs to be fixed. There's no point in doing hours of spider runs and get a ring in the end that I can't sell on AH or even cover the potion and kit costs. Also ridiculous that T1 gears are dropping from T2 chests.

    Not to mention that the drop % on the high valued items are so low that the DD event has rendered all non-DD runs pointless.

    Please Cryptic, do something about this. It's pretty depressing that there is nothing left for me to do in game other than waiting for DD.

    Guess he didn't earn it yet eh? He wasn't hard core enough? Any system that discourages play is a bad system. Any system that creates more frustration then accomplishment is a poor way to retain players.
  • solidtxsolidtx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    is there a final resolution on how this will be handled? what is going to be BOP and BOE? forgive me if its contained somewhere. Ive tried to search but found no definitive answer...

    and if most things stay as BOE then our guild will continue to NOT play Neverwinter. Make all dungeon epics BOP and will happily return. otherwise the end game, the meta game system, new dungeons, etc mean absolutely nothing.
  • alandoril1alandoril1 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    One thing that would massively help is drastically diversifying the loot tables.

    DDO had it right where set piece gear or raid items were bind on pick up, but a whole host of other useful and/or simply valuable gear also dropped from chests. I remember doing dungeon runs where I wouldn't be guaranteed a piece of specific loot, but there would be something like for example a +5 Silver Holy Longsword, or a +4 (or upwards) Stat Item (Con, Cha, Wis, etc) or armour made from a specific metal with its own inherent value to some builds, like Mithril for fighters with the dex to benefit their Ac or Adamantine for the damage reduction, or Fortification items to reduce the chance of being critically hit by enemies. Not only that but clickie items with a certain number of low duration charges of useful buffs.

    If they put some imagination into the loot tables then there would always be something of value to someone, even if it wasn't exactly BiS.
This discussion has been closed.