Thank you for listening. I do think the magnitude changes will be great on its own. The new power its better than what we had but I'm not sure if we gonna use it because in a dire situation where we need a lot of healing we might just wanna spam divine shelter and have 2 divinity regen powers. In other situations, we might…
Addressing the healer portion of the rework only: Reading all that, I guess it’s safe to say that the direction of the work is to increase the heals rather than raising stronger barriers which might be overpowered. I do agree that’s the area the paladin struggles, especially new players, but like everyone else I was…
should i add you on psn? Anyway, ill send u a mail, in game, so you can let me know when you are online. I do have friends in your guild but id love to check it personally. Invite my alt Mercy@Renan_RXZ. My Main is Umbra@Renan_RXZ. Thanks for the consideration See you soon
Hi, we are interested in the alliance Guild Name: Envy Guild Hall 5 almost to 6, defense boon (stable at 2) 120 players but about, 40 actives ( we are about to kick the inactives) 20ish play PVP but most of those play PVE as well peak time 1-8 pm PDT Feel free to ask me anything about it. Best Regards
I'm having the same prob, after 9 min ...can't place a friend limit is 11 min...I have others that don't have any issues with that. That's ridiculous im losing a lot good offers in the auction house cause of that IT NEEDS TO BE FIXED NOW