Are you sure about this, just got done updating my Preview Server files and unable to select the Paladin as a playable class. Icon still says "Coming Soon"???
Anyone have a link to the release notes for the new patch on the preview server NW.45.20150128ba.2 ? Wondering what the new patch fixes? or maybe introduces ie. Oathbound Paladin?
If you were in the same situation as I was when the preview was up last week, and you are trying to delete more than 1 character, you must wait a little bit of time after deleting the first character before you try to delete another one. I did not time it, as I would assume its bugged, and disconnects you when it fails to…
Gomok72 If you are referring to what Demonmonger mentioned here above, this is not a bug. Its in the text of the power "If you hit a target who is below 20% Hit Points your AP is refilled. This effect can only trigger once before Shocking Execution will consume AP." Its the same on live.
You might want to check with AVG directly with a solution, could be a false positive. Direct quote from AVG forums with someone with a similar "trojan virus" "Re: IDP.Trojan.7E6E059F The Virus Lab has confirmed that this is indeed a false detection"
Pretty sure this has already, at one point in time past, been asked, but for the love of whatever you hold holy---Can you please put in an option to get rid of cut scenes?? Its all good for someone who is new to the game, but once that time pasts and the farming that has to be done in this game, if your not the paying…
The boons from the new campaign are still broken. Ive submitted a ticket about it, but not seeing anything in these release notes that you have fixed it. Are they still working on fixing them or is it possible you are un-aware it is bugged. This photo is from my campaign window showing I have completed the required…
If I am thinking about the right dungeon, the boss that is on a platform, only one way to get to platform. That boss is easy sauce if you have any class that has a knockback/push ability. As previously stated, if you group them up, for example, get a CW to push them off the ledge, then they are not an issue anymore. But if…
Its not a long term fix, its the best suggestion for the AH I have ever seen but wonder why, myself, its not implented. The only MMO I have played where the AH searches on its own and not when the player commands it too, as suggested, when clicking search or sorting by columns.
Try opening NWO client from the actual install location on your computer, do not use ARC, also make sure any files for ARC are not running in the background. This way if it works and stops crashing, you figured out ARC is the problem. Let us know with another update if this works or not.
As a player who does not PVP very often, I agree with everyone in that something needs to be done with botters, PVP or otherwise. The issue I ran into today, in fact, is that even when you have a real person playing, the chance to get kicked from the PVP match is still at the whim of the "party leader". This is something I…