@nitocris83 Any updates on this? It's still an issue. I've also noticed that he doesn't always do the animations prior to his attacks which makes it difficult for the tank to block.
Just did a couple of dragon hunts. I and another party member both used potions of dragon slaying and scrolls of protection from dragons (he uses rank 5 and I used rank 3). These are supposed to last for 3600 seconds (60 minutes) but we both noticed after the first hunt that both were gone. Neither of us died at any point…
Lockbox of Dark Omens The Omen of Despair, Legendary Corrupted Unicorn, and Dragon Hunter Companion reclaims and power unlocks should now work properly. I recently created a new toon and this bug is back.
I don't know about anyone else, but I never had an issue with the Coalescent Motes. My issue was that the coupon didn't work on Preservation Wards or Refinement Packs.
@percemer I claimed all 3 on Aeryn ShadowCloak@arieswytch#9832. I am able to summon both mounts to ride. I am able to summon the companion. I have access to both versions of the mount combat power, but I only have the legendary version of the mount equip power. I have access to both the enhancement and the equip power from…
This doesn't sound like the same issue that's being reported here. The issue we are having is that we equipped the mount on one toon, but cannot claim it on other toons.
What I'd like to see is fashion and gear transmutes merged and all controlled from the same gear appearance page with all gear slots able to be disabled for visuals. There are some pieces in fashion that I'd like to mix with gear pieces and weapons. I mean, come on, who WOULDN'T want to wear a wedding dress with a big ol'…
I'd like to see them create a new Epic RTQ and put Demo, TOMM, and ZC there with a higher item level requirement. They can then replace Demo in RTQ with baby Zariel.
When switching toons some of them have an error message with the “thump” noise, some get just the “thump” noise, some don’t have either. For the toons that have the error message, it reads “You cannot equip any more of this item” in red 3 or 4 times on the screen. I have several account-wide mythic enchants on everyone,…
It may be that people are queuing directly for Demo without a full group, so the system is filling in the group from the RTQ. We have this happen often to us as well.
I'm very disappointed to see the artifact modifications going away. This is a nice option to tailor the different weapon sets to be useful for the different roles. Being able to buff up your healing at-will as a healer, or buffing up your HP or threat generation as a tank is very useful.
I've had this a few times in there. What I found was that if I crossed the chain of the fireball attached to me with the fireball from the previous golem, the chain would be destroyed and I had no fireball to hit him with. Then, no more golems spawned and I had to reset. Also, if I hit the anvil in the center with the…
Not sure how you can game the system if the quests are synced. You still have to do x number of quests for y amount of currency up to the z amount of currency cap for the week. At least if you are running with friends and synced, you wouldn't have to do double the number of quests to get the same amount of currency to…
It's been reported in the bug channel, so others are seeing it as well. This is happening to me on 5 of my toons, 4 that were leveled up to max from the new mod and one that I started and leveled to max in the new mod. There is nothing to collect on these toons.
I have a similar issue. I have a few toons where the icon won't go out. There are no rewards to collect and nothing showing in the journal as being able to collect. The toons that this has happened on are ones that were lower level that were made level 20 with the mod. They had only finished through Tower district before.…